Gingrich calls for more aggressive drug policy


Well-Known Member
Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich does not support the legalization of medical marijuana and would like the see the United States adopt a more aggressive policy against drug use.

Gingrich told Yahoo! News’ Chris Moody on Saturday that California showed that medical marijuana was a “joke,” where doctors prescribed the drug for nearly anybody who wanted it.

“My general belief is that we ought to be much more aggressive about drug policy,” Gingrich said.

He would like to see steeper economic penalties for illegal drug use and more drug testing, including mandatory drug testing for anyone who receives unemployment compensation or food stamps.

Florida and Missouri have already approved laws requiring applicants for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program to pass a mandatory drug test. Republican lawmakers in other states have also proposed similar laws this year.

He also supports the death penalty for high-level drug smugglers, noting the “successful” and “draconian” drug policies of Singapore.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yep. He's a big proponent of privatization (Prisons, Healthcare, Schools, Post Office, Social Security, etc.) and he wants to fill those private prisons with us. What better way than to stiffen and strengthen penalties for possession and cultivation?

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
I have a friend who was a naval corpsman in the sixties. He was assigned to the Navel hospital in Bethesda. He's told me stories about our government officials who would come in there totally pickled on alcohol. Take a good look at some of these people when you see them on the news. Not too hard to spot the alcoholics.


Active Member
The sad part about this is 20% of the people in RIU would vote for him if he got nominated and after he became pres. would still sing Newt's praises while rotting in prison for smoking a joint.


Well-Known Member
The sad part about this is 20% of the people in RIU would vote for him if he got nominated and after he became pres. would still sing Newt's praises while rotting in prison for smoking a joint.
The sad part is that Obama is screwing up the economy so badly that Newt and his anti-drug stance looks palatable...