az will progress like all things do. but cali will not just stagnate. what ever growth we see here will simply be a distillate effect from the growth in california. as for changing demographic. i dont really see it. as a whole the mccarthy and reefer madness generation is dying and some of their biased and closed mind values are dying with them. but AZ has and always will be a retirement mecca for old white conservative assholes from rebulican southern and midwestern states. as for the young new generation, i see a brain drain on a large scale. a lot of the young people in this state are students from out of state and they dont want to stay here long after they graduate. i also see all the natives who go to school here leave after they graduate. most people with ambition drive and vision go somewhere else because this state is run so corruptly and the laws here are bigoted and restrictive. all we are left with is old white conservatives and poor mexicans who have no means to get out of this state. there will always be close minded conservative assholes and for some reason they all love to retire here and they all vote in elections. who do you think keeps voting in scum bags like joe arpaiao and jan brewer?