An easy question, that will give you REP if you answer!


New Member
no, I just understand how plants work. organic or chemical. The nutrients aren't stuck up in your bud waiting for you to taste them. If you were smoking your fan leaves I would agree, flushing will help with the flavor. Since we are talking about smoking the buds, flushing won't help out. Flushing the nutrients out of your soil isn't going to pull anything out of your plant. Your plant isn't going to be using up all the nutrients it has stored up in it, to produce more bu.... you know what, never mind. Believe what you want, enjoy. Peace.
ROFL, I just read through your "Myths" and your full of bullshit, you base your growing on other plants...i.e. strawberries.....they don't work the same...and everyone in your myths thing agrees with me, yellowing is natural...EVEN GORGE CERVANTES will tell you that yellowing and the leaves falling of is natural. YOU NOOB. LOL. believe your own lies. It will get you no where.

LOL, he does not know a thing about bud growing. He doesnt even have a grow guy needs to stick to what he is good at: Growing OTHER plants.


Ursus marijanus
I have read shit tons.............MAYBE YOU SHOULD READ THIS

OH and read Cannabears comment above.

ALSO: It has been answered. You shouldnt need to flush because it is organic nutes. I WOULD HAVE NEEDED TO FLUSH IT IT WAS CHEMS.
I hold a somewhat dissenting opinion.
1) Bamfrivet is not a troll in my experience. He holds his own opinions that appear to me to be based on experience. His policy of trying things out, especially a control and experiment portion of the grow, appeals to my inner scientist.
2) I also hold the opinion that chems and organics are, if handled by adults, the same thing. A well-run grow on entirely inorganics does not need a flush either, especially if only nitrate was used as the N source. As a former professional lab chemist, I am often a little surprised by strength and pervasiveness of the anti-chemistry sentiment I find on MJ boards. My primary issue is with "cheap" inorganics that rely on ammoniac or even urea (as in typical home-store fertilizers) nitrogen to supply the plant's need. These can accumulate in leaf and bud. But the core take-home message, if I have one, is that to a root system, an ion is an ion, regardless if it came from vegan compost tea or a Kazakh strip mine. Jmo, of course. cn


Well-Known Member
ROFL, I just read through your "Myths" and your full of bullshit, you base your growing on other plants...i.e. strawberries.....they don't work the same...and everyone in your myths thing agrees with me, yellowing is natural...EVEN GORGE CERVANTES will tell you that yellowing and the leaves falling of is natural. YOU NOOB. LOL. believe your own lies. It will get you no where.
it's gotten me many successful grows. Don't listen to me though, it's your grow. Try different things out, let your harvest do the speaking. no need to go out and personally attack me because you don't agree with an aspect of growing. Have fun with your plants chuckles.


Weed Modifier
ROFL, I just read through your "Myths" and your full of bullshit, you base your growing on other plants...i.e. strawberries.....they don't work the same...and everyone in your myths thing agrees with me, yellowing is natural...EVEN GORGE CERVANTES will tell you that yellowing and the leaves falling of is natural. YOU NOOB. LOL. believe your own lies. It will get you no where.

LOL, he does not know a thing about bud growing. He doesnt even have a grow guy needs to stick to what he is good at: Growing OTHER plants.
-Rep! lmao.......:roll:


New Member
it's gotten me many successful grows. Don't listen to me though, it's your grow. Try different things out, let your harvest do the speaking. no need to go out and personally attack me because you don't agree with an aspect of growing. Have fun with your plants chuckles.
It's not the fact that I want to attack you, it's the fact that the ENTIRE internet community AND plenty of professional grow videos disagree with you. (They all say cut all nutes during the last two weeks) So I will go with that.

Enjoy your growing as well.


Well-Known Member
It's not the fact that I want to attack you, it's the fact that the ENTIRE internet community AND plenty of professional grow videos disagree with you. (They all say cut all nutes during the last two weeks) So I will go with that.

Enjoy your growing as well.
2 years ago everyone said that there was no proof of water on mars. Im just saying, try things out for yourself before believe everything you read on the interwebs.


New Member
2 years ago everyone said that there was no proof of water on mars. Im just saying, try things out for yourself before believe everything you read on the interwebs.
Just saying. You are one person vs. the world. Everyone disagrees with you. I usually go with high %'s

Thanks for stopping by though.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I am guessing that you haven't been reading up much if the only things you have been reading have told you that you HAVE to flush 2 weeks prior to harvest for clean, good tasting bud. No other farmer flushes their plants before they harvest them, but you still buy them and don't say "OMG! don't these farmers know you have to flush the oranges 2 weeks before you harvest them?! I can defiantly taste the bat guano in this orange."

Why would flushing with organic nutrients be any different from flushing chemical nutrients?
Because chemical salt fertilizers are water soluble and can be rinsed out by "flushing", Organic nutrients are decaying organic matter, not water soluble, or at least not readily water soluble enough to be affected by rinsing. You try to "flush" organic soil, the microherd just keeps doing their thing and you have more nutes within hours.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Just saying. You are one person vs. the world. Everyone disagrees with you. I usually go with high %'s

Thanks for stopping by though.
Everyone disagreed with Columbus too. The whole Greek world thought Euclid was a crackpot. So there goes that logic.


New Member
Because chemical salt fertilizers are water soluble and can be rinsed out by "flushing", Organic nutrients are decaying organic matter, not water soluble, or at least not readily water soluble enough to be affected by rinsing. You try to "flush" organic soil, the microherd just keeps doing their thing and you have more nutes within hours.
So Don't flush then? Cause there is no point?

Everyone disagreed with Columbus too. The whole Greek world thought Euclid was a crackpot. So there goes that logic.
Whats your point? Should I not cut off nutes the last 2 weeks? LOL

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If the general organics line is what I assume to be a water soluble liquid, flushing will remove the nutes. Personally using that type of nutrient, I wouldn't flush, but stop feeding no more than a week before the harvest. As Canabineer said, in all probability the N is either ammonaic or urea, and that builds up in the plant tissue. Let the plant use up what's in the tissue. The fuzzy bear knows his shit.
If you were using an organic nute that is mixed in the soil at the beginning, or were using compost and manure, flushing would be pointless.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
you can cut stalk of plant and submerge in water in a bucket with air stones do this for a 3 days changing water ever 4-5 hrs if you can you will have flushed organics try it


New Member
If the general organics line is what I assume to be a water soluble liquid, flushing will remove the nutes. Personally using that type of nutrient, I wouldn't flush, but stop feeding no more than a week before the harvest. As Canabineer said, in all probability the N is either ammonaic or urea, and that builds up in the plant tissue. Let the plant use up what's in the tissue. The fuzzy bear knows his shit.
If you were using an organic nute that is mixed in the soil at the beginning, or were using compost and manure, flushing would be pointless.
ok, so no nutes the last WEEK, not TWO WEEKS. Ok.

Might just go the middle road and do a week and a half.


Well-Known Member
Flushin is bs and a old wives tale !! Why take the most important thing away from a plant in its final stage of its life start reducing your nutes in the final week not fuckin starve it !! Imo drying and curing is more important but hey do as u please


New Member
Flushin is bs and a old wives tale !! Why take the most important thing away from a plant in its final stage of its life start reducing your nutes in the final week not fuckin starve it !! Imo drying and curing is more important but hey do as u please
Yeah, now that I spent about 5 hours reading.....straight....I am starting to realize that it is for the "taste" Honestly, I could give two shits about the taste. ESPECIALLY if feeding it nutes until the end will provide LARGER BUDS......

-So yeah, I am not going to cut off nutes, untill say......3 days before AT MOST.


Well-Known Member
At the end of the day its the drying and curing that matters most imo starving your plant at anytime during flower is not a good idea and could cause major probs !! Just lower your nutes gradually over the two weeks and u should b good!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm Three weeks from cut, and my MI-5 started bulking up really well just in the last week- massively! I'm at double strength with Floranova Bloom 4-8-7 in spring water, no burn, and was wondering the same. Flush or no? Seems everyone has different opinion. I'm more inclined though to lean towards flushing at beginning of last week with spring water and letting dry before chop. Also been told not to spray or mist, like not to chop after a rain (when growing outdoor). What about that?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You definitely wanna let it dry out before you chop. I harvested one afternoon after I had watered the night before, and it was the one and only time I've ever had bud rot. The plants were still really turgid with water, so the buds had a real high water content as well.