What Magic Power would you choose?

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Well-Known Member
i wonder how people would react, if there were actually people with superpowers trampling about in the world.

you know real super powers, punch through steel and break trees with a fart kinda deal.

course you´d never even suspect the evil telepaths existed :D


Well-Known Member
here is superman, he can crush me with his finger, if he´s not careful and bumps into me, ill die :)

i wonder if id constantly be thinking "i hope he does´nt go crazy, i hope he doesnt go crazy, i hope he doesnt go crazy" and be constantly knocking on wood (After all, its fairly obvious that power corrupts, inevitably.) (power over others though, not power in of itself)


Well-Known Member
Stan Lee's Superhumans has exposed some such people. It's interesting to see how differently they are treated by those in their community in every case.


Well-Known Member
then go back in time and train obsessively in kungfu and get really lucky with a body type and brain as well. :)

sorta need to be inventively creative as well (genius levels)


Well-Known Member
oh and luckily be raised by kungfu knowledgable folks that are able to get you in touch with a really wise and rare kungfu master of renown


Well-Known Member
thats kinda really basically a superhero story really :) when you think about it :)

thump easy

Well-Known Member
shit i want to jump like in those movies from tree to tree so i can spy on the girls hahahaha im just kiding ow man my girls gona kill me


Well-Known Member
shit i want to jump like in those movies from tree to tree so i can spy on the girls hahahaha im just kiding ow man my girls gona kill me
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