Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Hey there! I'm a newbie here:) Good to meet ya
Welcome JW to RollItUp ... This is where you will find everything that one may need answers to should the need arise (In which I am sure eventually it will be) :-)

Best of luck in whatever you may choose to do, and if ever you need help, just ask the question ... We are all here to help !! :-)

Best of Luck
The MaineYankee :-)
Hi all,
I am a sort of newbie at growing, have had a plant from flowering to harvest but not the full process.
I have joined this forum to gain as much knowledge as possible before starting my grow, I am looking to grow lemon skunk(i LOVE the flavour) around 12-16 plants in a 2m by 2m homemade grow enclosure, I say enlcosure and not tent because i plan to make it out of wood and not plastic poles for strength. I plan to use the diamond grow reflective sheeting to cover it.
At the moment i can't decide whether i want to have one full enclosure or split the enclosure down the middle and use it for vegging+flowering for a continuous yield.
I'm going to use 400-600w hps with a digital ballast if i keep it as one enclosure.
What is the easiest medium to use for my first grow?
anyways off to browse the forum and beautiful pics,


Active Member
Hi Lemon and welcome :-)

Sounds like you have a plan in place and ready to roll it out in the very near future.

Although I too am a newbie (Currently on my 1st grow), but one that has studied long and hard ... I would have to say to start in soil. I would def spend the extra amount of funds to get the entire products that you would need at your local Hydroponic's store, and not the OTC stuff at Home Teapot or Wally World etc.

I hope that you do well in whatever you may choose to do, and look very forward on some great posts and pics.

Happy Holidays, Peace and Love
The MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member
is it true that one of the hardest parts about growing is finding your spot...i have a spot in mind it i posted a thread describing in please check it out and feel free to give advice
i think that finding a spot to hide your car is the hardest part nearby to a good grow spot.Most rips offs will be onto your trail by first seeing your parked car, dont forget your in there for 3-4 hours working.
So, I'm a new grower and recently started some Sativa indoors. I germinated a bunch of seeds and only a few survived the germination and initial planting process. Right now I have 1 solid plant growing and it is about 4-5 inches tall and one germinated seedling that is barely sprouting out of some soil. I'm using the natural light through a bathroom window and a 3 led tap-light that I found in a drawer in my kitchen at night time. The tap light is a blue/purple spectrum led and is very good at inducing quick growth. From using the LED overnight I have gotten multiple new leaves sprouting and the existent leaves grow larger and faster. I'm not sure how long ago I planted my 4-5 inch plant but I believe it was about 2-3 weeks ago. I need to know when I should move my plants into the flowering room, what height, or how much time (in weeks)? Also, if I'm growing Sativa is it normal for the stem to the plant to be thin and long? Of the 4-5 inch height of the plant, about 4 inches of the plant is stem and the leaves on top make up the remaining inch. I thought it may be because I have the tap-light hanging about 1 inch from the top of the plant, and have been moving it as the plant grows that this may have effected it. Any ideas?
Hello everyone ,

I am yoopermadness , Hopefully I am here to learn a few new tricks & maybe help
I have only been growing for 1 & 1/2 yrs
Right now I have a few girls (White Rhino , Afghan #3, Bubblelisus , Papaya & G13
I am an indoor soil grower
I live in the so called mountains of Michigan (to us they are hills / lol

Its snowing today so as you can see we get weather


hello everybody!

me and my baby (Afghan Kush Ryder) are following this forum to gain some knowledge to let her be even more sexy!!!

any help will be higly appreciated



Active Member
Hey Liri and welcome to the one of the greatest sites on the internet when it comes to that wonderful flower we all enjoy :-)

We also welcome your new baby, and look very forward to seeing some great posts with pics on her development as she goes throw Kindergarten through High School :-)

There are so many of us on here that if you need a hand or two, by all means ask away. There are so many seasoned veterans on here, and your answer usually takes no longer than 5-10 minutes.

Again welcome to the both of you !!
Happy Holidays !!
The MaineYankee :-)


I am at week 3 day 3 and my plants are doing pretty well. I started these from seeds and I purchased Feminized White Widow Seeds. I topped them at 1 week and they have recovered very well. Oh yeah also this is my first grow but I have a pretty good setup.



Active Member
I am at week 3 day 3 and my plants are doing pretty well. I started these from seeds and I purchased Feminized White Widow Seeds. I topped them at 1 week and they have recovered very well. Oh yeah also this is my first grow but I have a pretty good setup.

Lookin' good mate. What kind of lights are you using? They look like they may be stretching a tad.


Well-Known Member
Whatsup All! First time here :p Got a few seeds from a mate and sprouted 8 so far, indoor, 400w MH with a HPS bulb waiting :)... If anyone has pics of their grow rooms, cupboards whatever send them over keen to get some info regarding set-up....


Well-Known Member
Looking good bro, What lights and Wall covering you using... My space is too big needa cut down and get something to close it off with if ya get me.


Active Member
Whatsup All! First time here :p Got a few seeds from a mate and sprouted 8 so far, indoor, 400w MH with a HPS bulb waiting :)... If anyone has pics of their grow rooms, cupboards whatever send them over keen to get some info regarding set-up....
Hey TR and welcome to RIU :-)

Good luck in your grow(s) and whatever you try to obtain.

Happy Holiday Trails :-)


Active Member
Hey JungList and welcome :-)

Best of luck on the (2) Autos that you have going on. Looking very forward to some updates along with some pics of your grow(s) as time allows.

Again welcome, and Happy Holiday Trails !!
The MaineYankee :-)