Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

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Well-Known Member
That's sweet :). Feel like sending verde a prototype? I can compensate ;)
This one is 14mm.......... I could cut you a real good deal on that! :) PM!

How's the seal? No blasting required? Inside look clean?
If a Lenz seal is 100%, and a china seal is 95%, then this is 94%. Of course, the inside right now is just glass, unpolished. The folks I met with the lathe operation told me to bring the joints down (they watched while I made that batch of glass) and they can either sand blast them or acid etch them somehow. They said proper masking would make it a breeze. I dont have the equipment to do it myself. If I didnt know them, I would buy the glass polish stuff that you wipe on and wipe off that will etch it as well. I dont know the name of the etching material but most glass shops I've browsed have it in their grinding/lapidary/etching/sanding sections.......

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member

Not my best work but took some pics nonetheless. :)

I am however very happy with the fully worked oil dome. If I realized I could do them great the first time I would have done something with the lines on them to make it prettier but hey why not. :) Its a 14mm oil dome, and I like the worked joint because it allows the clear at the top so I can see the nail while dabbing instead of having to look over the color work.
...heard of Ritzenhoff? I have an ashtray by Beppe Facente - totally awesome. This may inspire... :)


Well-Known Member
are you wrapping a clear stick around the rim of the dishes?
1.) get your rball or whatever you want in the center of your dish done
2.) pop open hole on one end, attach to 25mm, 32mm, 38mm tube whatever size you want your dish to be
3.) disc the fucker flat
4.) condense as much of the clear tube to form the lip you want
5.) punty up to bottom of dish and then puff/pull/heat at the same time to get it even
6.) decorate the dish
7.) clean up punty and kiln!

thats my "normal dish" tec......... The rainbow/jailhouse stuff I posted above is really junky stuff but it was all experimental. You'll see burns on the dome on the top from experimenting with "what flame will fuck it up?", part of a kevlar glove burned off on the worked joint, the small oil dish condensed a little funny when wigwagging the middle, and then of course the big oil dish lost all of its color and look, while trying to find the best way to make a FAT dish......

On the FAT dishes, the "Oil Wells" as I call them, same as above but I'm trying a few more methods out on getting the mass glob of clear onto the decor work inside... I've got a few ideas just have to torch it up and find out.........


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Since glass isnt enough, I started a thread to document my learning a lathe with only one goal, to make oil accessories............... The thread is small now, just starting to learn..... Anyone who wants to learn too, or anyone who can help, join in! :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You're fucking nuts :D IF you have the money though, why not strive to known and to do more :)

All i am seeing in that photo however is just one thing, a single phrase. "Do not change the high/low gear while running!" i'm such a sucker for temptations :(

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
fuck yeah... latheness... oilness

the blue dish you gave me is top notch.... its really and comfortable to use...

PM me a price on that 14mm dome.... i might pick it up off you.. mind you i dont have any 14mms out (i have a hurricane stashed).. so i'd be buying it purely to add to the collection :p


Well-Known Member
Ive been thoroughly enjoying and using the new dish, dome, dabber set. I think im ready for another :) What ya got lol


Well-Known Member
I havent even turned on the torch since getting the lathe in! You have the black color, looking to contrast it with the matching white/unobtanium sparkles perhaps?
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