This is how sick MOST religions are ......


Well-Known Member
"Before I do anything I ask myself 'Would an idiot do that?' And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing." -Dwight Schrute


Well-Known Member
"Before I do anything I ask myself 'Would an idiot do that?' And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing." -Dwight Schrute
id say , that most often this is true.

but sometimes, seemingly idiotic things turn out to be genius after all, so id make that a "usually" thing . "would an idiot do that" "yes" "do i still want to do it?" "how do i feel about it" "whats the gut instinct" "whats the heart say about it?"

sometimes you have to risk all to gain all.

but yes, usually, if a idiot would do it, you shouldnt.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
dont bother arguing with heph or oliver they are both mentally challenged to put it kindly .
they try to mock athiests yet they are athiests to all the other thousands of gods humans have created lol .

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
As long as somebody has belief in a god or multiple gods they are not atheists whether they worship the same god as a dude over in India or not...

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
As long as somebody has belief in a god or multiple gods they are not atheists whether they worship the same god as a dude over in India or not...
lol how am i supposed to sore like an eagle when im surrounded by turkeys ? oliver and heph are christians wich makes them athiests to all the other thousands of gods , ( unless of course they gonna say they believe in all the other gods ( wich wouldnt suprise me ) ) .......................some people on here really need to understand what an athiest is before making stupid comments like yours my friend .ill try n help you out a little ..............atheism is just a response to a claim , i could be a christian but an athiest to the claim that the muslim god exists .
just because i believe in one god it dosent stop me from being an athiest to all the other gods .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Mate. I can see you like to argue. and you are wrong. That is not Atheism as the person has faith in a deity.
so ? i could believe in 2999 gods but lets say for aguments sake there is 3000 possible gods to believe in / worship etc , i could could still be an athiest to the 1 thats left over . just for the lols of it can you give me your definition of athiesm ?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
You are attempting to argue the point of how in most monotheistic religions there is an overwhelming tendency to deny the possibility of the validity of other religions. And that in denying the existence of an other persons god that you are atheistic in the eyes of an other person.

You are being a "turkey" by completely ignoring that fact that atheism applies to the non belief of the existence of at least a single deity and in no way implies that following a different faith to an other person makes you an atheist.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
You are attempting to argue the point of how in most monotheistic religions there is an overwhelming tendency to deny the possibility of the validity of other religions. And that in denying the existence of an other persons god that you are atheistic in the eyes of an other person.

You are being a "turkey" by completely ignoring that fact that atheism applies to the non belief of the existence of at least a single deity and in no way implies that following a different faith to an other person makes you an atheist.
nonsense ,im an athiest in response to a claim , like i said before i could be a full blown christian who believes in jesus , but i could be an athiest to the claim that the god thor exists .
its got nothing to do with following a different god to another person , thats a totally different claim , just because i believe in one god or maybe 4 gods , dosent mean i cant be an athiest to the claim of a million other gods .
what your saying is because i believe in the god zeus , i cant be an athiest to the god allah , wich is total bullshit my friend .

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
You are applying the terms Atheist and Atheism wrongly...

Atheism is the total disbelief of the existence of all gods/Deities...

If you believe in 1 god or 3 or 2999 you are not an atheist...

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
so if i believe in jesus , but i dont believe in the claim that zeus is real , then im not an athiest to the claim that zeus is real ?


Well-Known Member
Atheism is the absence of theism.

Why spend time getting hung up on semantics? This doesn't seem very productive.

Howbout we talk about 'want to believe' vs. 'need to believe'. Or how passive belief is dangerous to society and provides a platform for fanaticism? Or how geographic location is the most dominating factor in what god you will most likely believe in?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
oh hi oliver , i wonderd when the looney bus was due lol lets hear of some of your wisdom ,on why there are even different religions in the first place , when they nearly all claim to be the only one ?


Well-Known Member
dude, if you knew a bit about evolution and anthropology and paleontology, you would not be asking these stupid questions. It is all based on how civilizations migrated to different regions beginning over in what is asia and russia today all the across the land to africa and so on. Not every region will be the same and as such so were the people who stayed there. as language evolved so did their ability to communicate and their ability to comprehend more things since the brain also was evolving, you get the picture...

It is a cultural thing. Even though there are hispanics where i live, our culture is very different from the culture down in mexico even though we inherent the same blood and gene pool...

oh hi oliver , i wonderd when the looney bus was due lol lets hear of some of your wisdom ,on why there are even different religions in the first place , when they nearly all claim to be the only one ?