Ok so pretty sure it's GETTING to be around that harvest time... need advice.


Well-Known Member
Questions are IN BOLD if you don't want to read all of this...

I posted a thread about a week ago asking how long until my buds are finished, the agreed response and my own was 3-4 weeks....

All that being said, this thing has gone into bud swelling like I've never seen and red hairs and crystals are startin to cover leaves and such QUICKLY! (even after the BAD sunburn it got about 5 days ago - it's made up for it in bud production, the girth of them has turned ridiculous! Oh, and small new leaves). I feel like this baby is going to finish sooner than we thought, I feel like if it grows like it has the past 7 days then in the next 7 days - it'll be ready!

Anyways, I've started to feed it just spring water with a DROP of Superthrive every 2 GALLONS. So hardly anything, and I'm slowly weening her off that! (Like she's strung out on ferts and ST or something lmao :twisted:) I was ferting her too much though.... I admit it :-| I would like to do two big flushes before I harvest, when should I based off of these pictures?

Here's another question, on the buds that appear done, should I cut them and let the other buds that aren't continue to grow on the plant? Or is this a big no no?! Or is it best to just harvest a plant all at once? :confused::confused:

And last but not least... should I start cutting her light cycle down slowly? Like an hour or two every night until the 48hr dark period I'm going to give her RIGHT before harvest! I'm doing the 48 hr thing regardless, but I'm wondering if she'll freak out if I start cutting back on either CFL bulbs or lighting per day?? I think the cfl could be better because it would make her think like, "oh shit, I'm loosing light - MUST PUMP OUT THC!!!" lol. But I don't know, :roll: what yall think???

Here's some pictures.... enjoy :peace::joint:




Well-Known Member
I am by no means a "pro" or anything, but they appear to still have a few weeks left. As anyone will tell you (and it does get annoying as hell), a magnifying glass will be the only real way of telling when they're done. Everyone has their own opinions on when to harvest, but 50% milky / 50% amber trichs is when its best (from what I've been reading). That being said,

Q #1- You can start flushing whenever since your getting so close. I'd give it another small/ medium dose of nutes then start the flushing process.
Q #2- You CAN harvest the top cola/ buds first then let the rest of the lower buds finish out. I wouldnt wait to harvest all at the same time though, you could lose your peak potency window on the top buds.
Q #3- Just leave the lights how they are until your ready to harvest. If your wanting to do the 24-48hrs of dark this could pose a problem for Q# 2...

Hope I helped some.


Well-Known Member
Oh and they are looking great man. You did a good job on this grow, dont mess it up by harvesting too soon like A LOT OF PEOPLE DO!


Well-Known Member
I am by no means a "pro" or anything, but they appear to still have a few weeks left. As anyone will tell you (and it does get annoying as hell), a magnifying glass will be the only real way of telling when they're done. Everyone has their own opinions on when to harvest, but 50% milky / 50% amber trichs is when its best (from what I've been reading). That being said,

Q #1- You can start flushing whenever since your getting so close. I'd give it another small/ medium dose of nutes then start the flushing process.
Q #2- You CAN harvest the top cola/ buds first then let the rest of the lower buds finish out. I wouldnt wait to harvest all at the same time though, you could lose your peak potency window on the top buds.
Q #3- Just leave the lights how they are until your ready to harvest. If your wanting to do the 24-48hrs of dark this could pose a problem for Q# 2...

Hope I helped some.
Thanks for your in depth post bro! So your saying I SHOULD cut the finished buds off and then let the others "catch up". I wouldn't do the 48 hour thing on those early cuts, just the final "main harvest". Again, 4 you were obvious reasons...

The only thing I'm kind of confused about is this half amber, half milky? Are you speaking of the trichomes themselves in all or are you speaking of the hair in itself? Or a combo of both? Milky trichomea/amber hairs? I do not have the money right now for a 30 x zoom thingy. I have a decent 3x zooom but that's it!

I guess I will just give it 1 more shot of flowering nutes or a little fish fertilizer, probably the fish considering it's 5-5-5. My flowering nutes are a bit too powerful and I don't want to accidentally go overboard with the mixture on accident... plus I don't want my buds burning my throat out - I hate that and that's why I like all organic grows! I will let it flower for another 2 weeks or so (which during this time a couple flushes will b in session!

What did someone say about superthrive? This stuff is magic, from seed to harvest. I have always used it during germination or after a true trimming of a full blown flowering plant! Always helps with recovery and getting my plant back to normal, that is if you use it right, this stuff is highly concentrated!!


Well-Known Member
Can ANYONE answer my question(s) above?? I would like to know how to harvest buds that are done! While still leaving the maturing buds! Also I need a sure way to know they're ripe, without having to use a 30x zoom! Help!


Well-Known Member
you have at least 2 weeks on the whole plant, if not 3-4 weeks.
so relax.
I never do staggered harvests. Cant help you there.
In the future better lights will help you alot. grab any hid, even a small 150-175 watt would be much better.


Well-Known Member
Hey looks great I would say in total 3/4 of an OZ there, I would cut away all the buds on the outside in about a week then let the inside go another week cut off all your "donkey dicks" and see what else you have to work with it is fine to let less developed buds go longer


Well-Known Member
You really don't think I have enough light for that SMALL box? It has ONE 32 watt T5, FOUR 32 watt(s) CFLs, ONE 26 watt CFL and a giant 65 watt which is equivalent to 300 freakin' watts!!! That's what? That's 251 watts all together and a helluva LOT of lumens for that small space. (and these are their ACTUAL wattage on the CFL's, not their equivalents!) I found a Sticky on here one time about lumens per square foot and I was well above and beyond!


Well-Known Member
Oh AND I'm REALLY thinking that BIG ASS BUD is quite done, theirs not really anymore white/clear hairs AT ALL! It's like it all turned a reddish/brownish/sparkly green! lol if that makes sense!


Well-Known Member
You really don't think I have enough light for that SMALL box? It has ONE 32 watt T5, FOUR 32 watt(s) CFLs, ONE 26 watt CFL and a giant 65 watt which is equivalent to 300 freakin' watts!!! That's what? That's 251 watts all together and a helluva LOT of lumens for that small space. (and these are their ACTUAL wattage on the CFL's, not their equivalents!) I found a Sticky on here one time about lumens per square foot and I was well above and beyond!
If your buds are starting to swell now, just wait a couple of weeks.

I flower under 600 watt HPS - I know they are done when they look like they are dying. Yellowing leaves, etc.

You can cut off the Top Buds if you want, but they will get better. I have never really had good luck with cutting off the tops and continuing to grow the plant, I know others have.

Good Luck :joint::peace:

you should listen to what everyone is telling you and wait atleast 2 more weeks. NO BUD in any pic you have is near done. they will all swell almost double in another 2-3 weeks dude, just trust us. have patience its the key, even and especially when harvesting and curing. not being rude just cant stress this enough.:joint:


buds lookin good. you spent a lot of time and money already,drop another 20 bucks and get this part rite. i promise it will be well worth the money.
you have come to far to chop early.you are bout half way to some good smoke. beeeee patient, patient, patient.it will be worth the wait