All This Talk About Taxes


Well-Known Member
...Workers are useless with no work to do...
capital owners are useless without someone to do the labor.

it is a two way street. no capital, no one to labor for. no one to labor, capital is useless.

why don't you two kiss and make up? you are both VERY intelligent people.


Well-Known Member
capital owners are useless without someone to do the labor.
it is a two way street. no capital, no one to labor for. no one to labor, capital is useless.
generally, when you don't have labor it means there is not a job shortage.

why don't you two kiss and make up? you are both VERY intelligent people.
Why do you want to see them kiss? Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Active Member
I agree with a lot said here, really both sides are leing on this as far as republican and democrat, and I see obviously MOST of you realize that, for some reason a few people in this thread either think that democrats or republicans are 100% right on this and they buy into this bullshit hookline and sinker.

I would have to disagree

as it has been written many times over in this thread and I will write it again.....It really does not fucking matter at all...I am definitely in favor of NO INCOME TAX for everyone(especially federal) but in the end doesn't matter...our tax code is really a minor issue in comparison to debt. It practically not even related anymore, because we will never pay off the debt.

I am so sick of the damn "job creators", "trickle down economics", "tax the rich" bullshit that I want to fucking puke, its all a big sham.

Look if the government just straight up took 90% of everyones money from now until forever, we would still be in debt from now until forever, its just perpetual debt and thats the fundamental problem.
amen and hallelujah brother!


New Member
The point there being no one has ever balanced a budget in this country during a recession. You'd have to cut so many government services to do so that it would instantly turn the United States into a 3rd world country. That's a pretty big price to pay just to balance the budget, it's not worth it.
No thats not the point. You are stuck on this idea that the government doesn't spend a whole lot and thats really holding you back, you need to let go of that for a second and try open your mind around this specific area. I have noticed you do this sometimes, you get stuck on some falsity and block out any other possibility completely. Its really funny because this is the thing you despise so much of others at the same time.

This idea you have that the Government doesn't spend a lot of relative to what? GDP Comparisons? Random Historical Data? LOL - This is not relative and you take it as FACT superior to all when it is merely just an opinion likewise.

The government is over reaching and it does have a lot of wasteful spending. You should recognize this, its obvious, simple enough. You are right in many ways and I totally agree with 99% of what you've written here but I mean this Ideology you have here, the very thing you despise, its blocking you.

I know this is really not part of your philosophy yet somehow this thought has been injected into your head. Ive seen you do it with other things. Your a smart guy and you've got a lot figured out, your awake, so don't let this ONE OPINION that you take as FACT for some reason, impede your progress in your world view. I would argue that I am being generous in labeling it is an opinion actually, its a a complete falsity and your comparing apples and oranges.

You know how you are RIGHT about this, your right about this in pointing out the Republican guise/agenda here, the trickle down bullshit, the crimes of the banks and of the private sector, your correct on a lot of things - but to put sooo much weight on an OPINION that the government doesn't spend too much money I think is wrong. Additionally, I disagree with this opinion completely. This can't be proven either way, its merely an opinion.


Well-Known Member
No we are the best country in the world because at one time we were a manufacturing powerhouse
We became great because after WW2 we where the only superpower that wasn't blown to bits. You may cry well Russian didn't get hurt, but that's false Hitler took over Leningrad to blowup Russia supply to oil. Most of west Russia was destroyed and that was where the majority of Russian infrastructure was.

Point is while the other countries where sweeping up and rebuilding USA was the only country they could buy supplies from.


Well-Known Member
lol that's what your post is. Nothing of substance to refute my post?
btw I usually watch msnbc. Sesame Street isn't on that channel so you probably don't know about it.
there was nothing to refute in your post, just the same old "government bad" mantra that is so often uttered by those devoid of anything substantive to say.

i might as well refute the kitchen table instead.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The point there being no one has ever balanced a budget in this country during a recession. You'd have to cut so many government services to do so that it would instantly turn the United States into a 3rd world country. That's a pretty big price to pay just to balance the budget, it's not worth it.
"Government services" = oxymoron


Well-Known Member
We became great because after WW2 we where the only superpower that wasn't blown to bits. You may cry well Russian didn't get hurt, but that's false Hitler took over Leningrad to blowup Russia supply to oil. Most of west Russia was destroyed and that was where the majority of Russian infrastructure was.

Point is while the other countries where sweeping up and rebuilding USA was the only country they could buy supplies from.
Infact more to your point, as the Nazis invaded Russia from the west and the Russians retreated east they enacted a "Scorched Earth" policy, so infact Russia intentionally destroyed EVERYTHING that the Nazis could've possibly used.

Had they not, history could've played out WAY differently.


Well-Known Member
Why do people go to jail for tax evasion?

That analogy holds no gravity is this context and you know it.
Over and over again, people go to jail for fraud - which is tax evasion, people do not go to jail for failure to pay their taxes.


New Member
yes they do, its just much more rare, if you owe like 125,000 and can't pay it you can go to jail even if you try to make an effort, if you can't make bare minimum payments which can be very very low you can go to jail....


Well-Known Member
yes they do, its just much more rare, if you owe like 125,000 and can't pay it you can go to jail even if you try to make an effort, if you can't make bare minimum payments which can be very very low you can go to jail....
Kindly show me some examples of what you are talking about. I assure you that in every case (other than those that may have been poorly represented), people do not go to jail for owing federal taxes.


New Member
Your probably right, I am just taking that from what the IRS says...heh..If you owe just over 20,000 you can go to jail if you don't work out a payment plan and start paying it....but I know they will work at really low long term plans so I am not sure how anyone couldn't pay it unless they just outright refused.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Kindly show me some examples of what you are talking about. I assure you that in every case (other than those that may have been poorly represented), people do not go to jail for owing federal taxes.
You are engaging in semantics. People do go to jail for failing to pay to forge the chains that bind them.


Well-Known Member
Your probably right, I am just taking that from what the IRS says...heh..If you owe just over 20,000 you can go to jail if you don't work out a payment plan and start paying it....but I know they will work at really low long term plans so I am not sure how anyone couldn't pay it unless they just outright refused.
No, you cannot go to jail. I owed a bit over twice that amount and never made any arrangement to pay at all. I never went to jail and I never paid. With two related exceptions one does not go to jail for owing money in the United States.


Well-Known Member
You are engaging in semantics. People do go to jail for failing to pay to forge the chains that bind them.

Not even close, nor is this semantics. People go to jail for fraud, for failing to report what they owe or for misrepresentation (also fraud). It is called tax evasion. This is a far cry from going to jail for owing money

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Look, if you owe the IRS money, no matter the amount, they will work out an offer in compromise. Many IRS debts are settled for ten cents on the dollar. There are a lot of good attorneys who specialize in offers in compromise. Once the attorney is on the job, the totalitarian demands of the IRS stop. Contrary to a lot of what has been posted in this thread, the IRS doesn't want you in jail, they just want you back in the system like a good little citizen and worker. I mean, what good does an inmate do for the tax system? Better to have you running around earning money and paying your taxes, right? ;-)


Well-Known Member
Look, if you owe the IRS money, no matter the amount, they will work out an offer in compromise. Many IRS debts are settled for ten cents on the dollar. There are a lot of good attorneys who specialize in offers in compromise. Once the attorney is on the job, the totalitarian demands of the IRS stop. Contrary to a lot of what has been posted in this thread, the IRS doesn't want you in jail, they just want you back in the system like a good little citizen and worker. I mean, what good does an inmate do for the tax system? Better to have you running around earning money and paying your taxes, right? ;-)
how dare you make sense??


hahaha.... the IRS puts people in jail for not FILING taxes. NEVER FOR OWING TAXES.... you can get a lawyer and they'll even prevent the IRS from putting liens on your private property and settle debts for as low as 3-5 cents on the dollar (usually happens with people who owe several hundred thousand dollars, and end up paying 25-60k...).....not a lie people.. stop believing the BULLSHIT


Well-Known Member
No, you cannot go to jail. I owed a bit over twice that amount and never made any arrangement to pay at all. I never went to jail and I never paid. With two related exceptions one does not go to jail for owing money in the United States.
I'm calling bullshit.

Let the record show.


Well-Known Member
how dare you make sense??


hahaha.... the IRS puts people in jail for not FILING taxes. NEVER FOR OWING TAXES.... you can get a lawyer and they'll even prevent the IRS from putting liens on your private property and settle debts for as low as 3-5 cents on the dollar (usually happens with people who owe several hundred thousand dollars, and end up paying 25-60k...).....not a lie people.. stop believing the BULLSHIT

Tax evasion is the general term for efforts by individuals, corporations, trusts and other entities to evade taxes by illegal means. Tax evasion usually entails taxpayers deliberately misrepresenting or concealing the true state of their affairs to the tax authorities to reduce their tax liability, and includes, in particular, dishonest tax reporting (such as declaring less income, profits or gains than actually earned; or overstating deductions).