16" and time to flower...?


Well-Known Member
Ok... it's about a week shy of two months since they broke ground... I have a max of 32" of height before I run out of space... they hit the ~16" mark today... does anyone have any comments before I switch the lights over to 12/12?

I've never made it this far before and this is my third try, so I am hoping not to fuck it up now! :) :joint:




Well-Known Member
They look very nice, you've done a good job. I think flowering would be ok, but if you have more room give them time to get bigger, for a larger yield. Or not, I can totally understand wanting to flower asap, lol. Keep me posted on what you do, and how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
They look very nice, you've done a good job. I think flowering would be ok, but if you have more room give them time to get bigger, for a larger yield. Or not, I can totally understand wanting to flower asap, lol. Keep me posted on what you do, and how it turns out.
yeah it sucks... they are doing SOOOO well and I'm really happy with them... but I have measured out the room very meticulously and 32" is it for height...


Well-Known Member
i would definately flower now if you absolutely cannot go past the 32'' mark, might even surpass it as they are....


Well-Known Member
dude id flow @ the most at 12" unless u want to be grooming ur babies everynight for about an hour :-\ i suggest at around 9-10 inches


Well-Known Member
i wasnt bashing u, trust me my 1st grow looking nothing like yours your doing well but everyoine can always learn. what i was saying is that when u veg that log and they get that big in the veg stage then you are gonna have to either have ALOT of room per plant or your gonna have to do alot of grooming, as soon as u cut it to 12\12 under a hps\mh then your plants will triple in size the 1st 8-10 days u can honestly watch them grow hour to hour. so the only reason i would cut it to 12\12 @ 8-1o inches is bc im getting a crop every 2 weeks on a large scale yet still harvesting an amazing yeild :D


Well-Known Member
make sure to do a good flush when they are in flowering before starting your flowering nutes


Well-Known Member
well flush it onece ie 3 gallon pot give it 6 gallons, then dont feed for about 4-5 days then start your flowering nutes


Well-Known Member
you want to flush your resv very well before changing nutes, you will stunt growth and in some cases decease your yeild greatly due to the plants eating nutes that arent required for large yeilds like more nitrogen when its not required for example. but you should see sexes anywhere from 3 days into flower all the way to 2 weeks. the males will show 1st so keep an eye out and get rid of them right away safely DO NOT THROW THEM IN THE TRASH THAT THE TRASH MAN COMES AND GETS i cut all the leaves and dry them for hash then cut the roots and rochwool and throw them in the trash then get rid of the stems either by trash or anyway u wish :D


Well-Known Member
ye flower asap as your plants can increase between double and triple during flowering. seeing as u have limited space, should flower very soon.
very nice looking plants btw :D