for how long can i use my DIGILUX HPS 1000W ???


Active Member
het there , i need to know how many crops can i take from my lamp ???

without lose quality and weight ? :joint:


bud bootlegger
i've read anywhere from six months to a year for bulb changes.. i lean more towards the year side of things, but i'm sure that the bulbs lose lumens long before then..


Well-Known Member
I'm also interested if anyone has tested with a meter over I period of time. I run digilux and ushio but I hear after 6 months they loose lumens... But how much...


Active Member
nobody knows ????
ummm.... there are a couple of posts stating correct info... 6-12 mos. You need a light meter to know for sure when. No two bulbs are exactly alike. You may get 6 mos from one and 8 from another for comparable lumens loss.