Indica or Sativa ?


Well-Known Member
This is your best answer.
Ask a silly question then yeah ???

your seedling is about a week old ??

hang on , i will dig out a crystal ball ,
where did you obtain the seed ??
was it bagseed ?
Could you spot a turnip at a week old ?
i know it's the internet but cmon


Well-Known Member
Geez guys, you are all so mean. lol. cut the guy some slack, he's new and doesnt know better yet.

Sorry bro, aint no one going to be able to tell you this early, we need to see the leaves and how they look and how the plant is "filling out" rough estimate-tall and lanky w/thinner leaves=sativa, bushy and shorter with wider fatter leaves=indica.


Well-Known Member
I am not being mean , unless being mean is giving clear cut advice ,
look at that plant and tell me he didnt regret the post as soon as he hit enter,
Harsh , really ?


Well-Known Member
in my defence i have just been reading a thread about how to tell a male or female MJ plant by the amount of fingers on its leaves , this seems to have had the affect of killing off what riu patience i had remaining lol
again apologies to the OP
gotta love the tinternet


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me if my plant is indica or sativa dominant, or hybrid . ? Thanks.
Not from that picture, sorry. Plant is too young for that.
I'll have a much better time telling you if you tell me where you got the SEED.
If it came from a bag of seeded commercial weed it *might* be a pure sativa, though it more likely a hybrid.
If its a commercially purchased seed, its *probably* a hybrid.
If you pulled the seed out of a block of Afghani hash, its probably an Indica!