
I just started growing and i don't know what i'm doing. My plants are one month old and the other is about two weeks.I don't have them under the proper lights i know.I just have them under a regular light.Don't i need to clip them for them to continue to grow right at some point? What do i need to do?


New Member
I just started growing and i don't know what i'm doing. My plants are one month old and the other is about two weeks.I don't have them under the proper lights i know.I just have them under a regular light.Don't i need to clip them for them to continue to grow right at some point? What do i need to do?
Firstly, I would like to say that not everyone on this site is so hostile to newbies. I hope you get a chance to see this because when I first came in had I been attacked like I see some others doing I would never have reposted. That being said your question is very vague. A lot more information is needed. Most of us are here to help but we cannot do the growing for you. You need to read, study, research, watch, and learn. While cannabis is a weed and wants to grow. You cannot just throw some seeds in dirt, pop it under a light and grow dank budz. Cannabis cultivation is one of the funnest and most rewarding hobbies you will ever find so I hope you stick with it. I recommend starting with the stickies on the newbie forum. Also, Jorge Cervantes Ultimate grow DVD 1 & 2 as well as High Times Ready, Set, Grow 1 & 2 are available for free on you tube.

Good luck and +rep for taking the leap into growing.

Jonny K

Active Member
He's right.There's all kinds of info out there. Some of its even right. Take advice with a grain of salt. Good luck.


RIU Bulldog
I just started growing and i don't know what i'm doing. My plants are one month old and the other is about two weeks.I don't have them under the proper lights i know.I just have them under a regular light.Don't i need to clip them for them to continue to grow right at some point? What do i need to do?
sorry about some of the losers trolling around for someone they can bash to make their pathetic lives better, but we DO need more info and you DO need to do some more research. If you have a specific question, or any question for that matter, please feel to pm me and ask.


Well-Known Member
bro 1st lets go cheap lighting easier lighting for you.get you 8 23 or 26w 6500k spirals for your veg and 2700ks for flowering so if u can get that out of the way then do need a few fans because the lights will make it hot and your plant needs air circulating.depending on what youre growing in...closet,box(which i started in and etc)get you a ph tester to test your water that youre feeding it.ppl get soil testers too to check the ph level of the soil.dont waste your money on that just check your r/o run off the water that drains out of your pot catch it in a cup and test it.your ph balance should be maintained between 5.3-6.3 no higher than careful not to over water it try to water every 2-3 days shur way to check if need water pic your pot up and see what it feels like dry then youll know when it needs advise you to get some mg organic bone and blood meal it gives you the p the n and other shit to prevent def in your plants during your veg and flowering. get some alaska fish fert 5-1-1 find you some organic nuets i prefer earth juice havent had problems with nuet burn at all you can find this at a hydroponic store and the other things you can get from juice nuets.grow micro blast which compliments the fish fert well it brings the best out of juice catalyst and bloom which u dont need the bloom til later.these products are cheap and affordable and also works wonders.if you need to know anything else drop by ill be around