Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
Stoney that "tiny" Blueberry onthe last page was BEAUTIFUL!
I love the almost black leaves.

And the blueberrya bove is definately a purple strain as well, just look at it.

I'mjealous of yourgarden, hope mine can be on par some day.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
what up stoney! been a while man had a lot on the plate of late. just checkin in though. your garden looks as good as ever man. i dig the colours even if they arent really like that haha


Well-Known Member
Stoney, whats UP^^ Some very nice buds you have going on, watch out for the snow bunnies on them slopes'o'bud!


Well-Known Member
Stoney that "tiny" Blueberry onthe last page was BEAUTIFUL!
I love the almost black leaves.

And the blueberrya bove is definately a purple strain as well, just look at it.

I'mjealous of yourgarden, hope mine can be on par some day.
she did have some black leaves and buds on her!!! she dried fairly quick and tastes great for no cure!!! It'd been in a jar for a few days now... I'm gonna head over to a friends house... see what he thinks of her!!

what up stoney! been a while man had a lot on the plate of late. just checkin in though. your garden looks as good as ever man. i dig the colours even if they arent really like that haha
Thanks don!!! good to have ya pass through bro!!! the purps are lookin good for the holidays!!!

Looking great as always Stoney! Can't wait for chop pics √
Thanks man!!!! i didn't have a harvest this week.... good thing to with RIU acting up!! hahaha man i saw a pic of your dog on HC's thread.... he's a cool lookin dog bro!!!!

bro!! the purple is fuckin crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want some!! LoL.
they sure are head turners!!!!! that BSB has such an awesome smell... just like fresh roses!!!

beautiful stoney. i got my heat duct run in flower room. works great
awesome dude!!! does that mean that you don't HAVE to go out there every single day? so good to hear... hope it makes it easier this winter!!!

Stoney, whats UP^^ Some very nice buds you have going on, watch out for the snow bunnies on them slopes'o'bud!
thanks bro!!!!! good to see ya stop by!!!! them snow bunnies are my favorite kind!!!!! hahahahahahha


Well-Known Member
VERY VERY NICE reminds me of my thunder fuck from my last grow when it started to turn purple. Always good stuff going on here.


Well-Known Member
hey stoney.. just ordered my birthday present. bubblicious. from the weekend whopper. cant wait. and i do have a few new strains germing as well. to stoned to remember what they are at this time. i love the wake and\

i ran my 6 inline fan on the wall by ceiling and run 6 in dryer vent and have it reatin above the pellet stove. made a huge diff as far as heat in flower room. so i can miss a day if i have to. or 2 . usually have to water after 3 with the fans going strong. hope ur havin a great weekend bro. we just got our 1st in of snow last nite. yuk!!!!


What an awesome MARATHON read, but well worth it. Loved reading the transition from CFL to LEDs only. You are really getting that flower room dialled in. Thanks for all the effort documenting everything Stoney. PS I loved how you blurred your finger prints in post #2834, looked psychedelic and gotta love the security :) And those purple buds are wicked! + Rep to you, stellar job mate!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Knock Knock hello Mrs Stoney can Mr Stoney come out and play please??? Has he been a bad boy and you have him locked up as your sex slave? So that's why we haven't seen ya stoney!! Wellll ok lol, you have fun and we won't pry into your personal life hehe ; !)

We'll catch ya when your not so cough cough uh busy ; ?)


Well-Known Member
VERY VERY NICE reminds me of my thunder fuck from my last grow when it started to turn purple. Always good stuff going on here.
thanks so much bro!!! i appreciate the visit and the kind words!!!!!!

How old is that BSB Stoney?
man, i fucked up again and didn't keep track. I think she is at 6 weeks going on 7 in a few days. i think she has about 2 weeks or less according to her trics.

Hey Stoney! Plants are looking great, love the purple color!
hey Millyy!!! how are things going? so did ya start another grow? hapy holidays to you and yours!!!

hey stoney.. just ordered my birthday present. bubblicious. from the weekend whopper. cant wait. and i do have a few new strains germing as well. to stoned to remember what they are at this time. i love the wake and\

i ran my 6 inline fan on the wall by ceiling and run 6 in dryer vent and have it reatin above the pellet stove. made a huge diff as far as heat in flower room. so i can miss a day if i have to. or 2 . usually have to water after 3 with the fans going strong. hope ur havin a great weekend bro. we just got our 1st in of snow last nite. yuk!!!!
SWEET!!!!! i miss the bub!!! i'm gonna have to run it again soon!!!!! that is such great news about the stove vent bro!!!!! now those day you are hurtin, you don't have to stress over them!!!!! oooohhh SNOW!!!! we haven't got any since that wierd storm... other than some flurries here and there.... it's gtting in the 20's at night now..... it's coming soon!!!

again. I'm so glad to hear you got the heating fixed bro!!!! good vibes ahead!!!!!

These are beautiful! I totally have a fetish for Purple Buds... :hump:
Lookin' Awesome!
Thank you very mwine!!! it's my first purple strain, so i'm really excited!!!!

bro, i cat stop starring at those, i think i might have to try that next, awesome job brother!!!
thanks bro!!! the smell from that BSB is so great!!! just like fresh cut roses!!!!!!!!

whats up stoney!? you ever get to moving house?
hey Don, nah man, I've been so lazy with the veg house i didn't get any more work done. I started putting a wood stove in my garage so that has me pretty busy. I'm about to get a bunch of free time comming up so I need to get on it!!!! for now i just have a small heater in there to keep em warm!!!!

thanks for checkin in bro!!!!

What an awesome MARATHON read, but well worth it. Loved reading the transition from CFL to LEDs only. You are really getting that flower room dialled in. Thanks for all the effort documenting everything Stoney. PS I loved how you blurred your finger prints in post #2834, looked psychedelic and gotta love the security :) And those purple buds are wicked! + Rep to you, stellar job mate!
thanks green!!! I'm honered that you read the entire thread!!!! sorry about all the BS along the way..... please feel free to ask anything and i'd love to hear any tips or improvements i can make!!!

and that finger print thing... I owe all that sneakyness to concord dawn... he pointed it out that my print was learly visible.... stoners lookin out for other stoners is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks again for checking out my grow.... I'll post up some new pics later today!!!!

Knock Knock hello Mrs Stoney can Mr Stoney come out and play please??? Has he been a bad boy and you have him locked up as your sex slave? So that's why we haven't seen ya stoney!! Wellll ok lol, you have fun and we won't pry into your personal life hehe ; !)

We'll catch ya when your not so cough cough uh busy ; ?)
hahahahahahaha I'm not the one who gets tied up!! hehehe ****** TIP OF THE DAY--- don't use large zip ties to tie up your woman and forget the wire cutters out in the garage!!!!! they tend to get upset a little!!!! hahahahahah

man, I've been swamped lately and this should be my easy time!!!!! the next few weeks are smooth sailling and open free for me!!!!!!!!!!! yahoooooooo!!!!!! my plants are looking great as ever right now!!!! I hope i don't fuck em up!!!! I have a caliband or two going in flower this week!!!!!

I have three plants to harvest over the next wew days!!!!! I'll post up some pics later today!!!!!!

I hve a ton of threads to catch up on!!!! I'll start lookin at em in an hour or so.... gotta go check on a few things first!!! I have some pics to post to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!