Weed Wars


Well-Known Member
i downloaded both episodes watchin now....WOW....its like....way too familiar haha ...in MANY ways

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Watching second episode. First thoughts are that in first 2 minutes braids inadvertently points out why feds are cracking down "we pay them their usual fee", my usual fee is $500 an hour thanks :) and now specs is talking about how "the medical cannabis plant" which to me simply insinuated there must therefore be non-medical canabis plants which are for some reason not good things. Hmm


Active Member
I'm actually dign'n the show. They all seem to be sincere regarding wanting to help people and the owner obviously isn't living lavishly. The brother reminds me of Andy Botwin form the show Weeds :)


Active Member
I fuckin loved it, when my wife gets home we are gonna watch it again. Hilarious show, shows a lot of sides of everything.
I love the owners brother, stoned as hell the whole show "I don't do this to get high....." LoL
those guys are totally stoned, I watched the show for the first time the other night and loved it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
and that bad ass case of spider mites the grower had......damn...
See, i reckon that Discovery are enforcing various lines or statements. Guys attitude was bullshit imo, working at Harbourside did not result in his failed crop thanks to spidermites, he had PLENTY of time outside the job to keep on top of the grow if he so wished. The first episode he's continuously banging on about a 60 hour a week job, second episode he's quit a legitimate job under the pretence that growing his crop is just too consuming to hld a normal job as well. Furthermore that's hardly 4K he's lost becaue of mites, he can quite easily turn that into an oil or hash or edible etc, but no, he's just making out as if that's that, then end of the road, almost as if to put an air of insecurity over the idea of growing for a living. Pffft. And i mean he tried killing em off with c02, this failed, so it seemed the only other thing he attempted was using a vacum cleaner on the colas :lol: One owuld think that if as he sais, it will result in 4K being lost, would you not just use a chamical and sell that run as non-organic and at least cover his costs? Silliness.

Still enjoy it though, i like weed shows.
i wonder if they are intentionally trying to make mmj users look bad. WHYY THE FUCK WOULD YOU LET ON TV SOME KID WITH A SCRIPT PROBLEM?????
I can hear it already, see he was already on pain pills and medical marijuana didnt work.

a number of issues with them again.

we are down 200,000 from last year and the next sentence is that he dosent understand how they can be off 150,000. SO WHICH IS IT? n o wonder you guys are having problems financially, YOU ARE ALL BAKED ALL DAY LONG.

Openly smoking in public and on city property? ya cant play softball, but you sure can smoke some herb.

I enjoyed the fact that they have no checks and balance system as far as payment goes. A donation is pocketed and he walks right out the door, lol. FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!

Sheer disgust and ashamed to have them on television. They are giving us all a bad name.

your show cux anyway


Active Member
I think its great we've come to this point where we are finally having a real discussion on the uses of MJ. Having said that they need to stop being high at work and that Andrew needs to set the tone. The guys fucked up all day long, I mean dayam how does he even manage to manage? They are being very careless and its going to backfire but lets hope that other dispensaries get the nerve to come out and do another show that shows how it should be done. Im glade they are doing it but they need to do better at representing the industry because conservatives are watching and debating and thats a good thing. Lets not fuck it up! :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i thought the same thing. so you work where they sell medical mj, but you gotta have pain pills? THEN you fuck up what was prolly the greatest job ever. so you get paid to deal with weed all day, people come in and give you free weed to try, you wont ever get fired for bein high at work, and the boss treats you like family and you go fuck up like that...he doesnt deserve a second chance


Active Member
showing a guy who has access w/unlimited bud steal to provide for a prescription pill habit is a double edged sword. i see the general complaint but it also shows you how messed up these pharmaceutical drugs can make you.


Well-Known Member
haha did u see him crying when he was talking about the cannabis plant... i think he liked steve more then he knew


Well-Known Member
all i know is if i called that dude with a wrong number i woulda said "oh sorry miss have a good day" with that soft ass whiney voice


Active Member
i thought the same thing. so you work where they sell medical mj, but you gotta have pain pills? THEN you fuck up what was prolly the greatest job ever. so you get paid to deal with weed all day, people come in and give you free weed to try, you wont ever get fired for bein high at work, and the boss treats you like family and you go fuck up like that...he doesnt deserve a second chance
Right! Just a dumb azz, period...


Well-Known Member
I just watched last night's show and I gotta say, the dream kind of died a little. As many have already said, if you're in Stevie's posistion, why are you taking pharmaceuticals? To cry about how passionate you are about the many benefits of cannabis and then steal from your family to buy pills for pain? You can't give much credit to the fact that cannabis is this great alternative to synthetic drugs when someone who works in a dispensary opts for vicoden. Showing the staff getting high in a park before a softball game doesn't help the recreational argument either.


Active Member
:clap: , Almost better than mine. Ha, :bigjoint:

I just watched last night's show and I gotta say, the dream kind of died a little. As many have already said, if you're in Stevie's posistion, why are you taking pharmaceuticals? To cry about how passionate you are about the many benefits of cannabis and then steal from your family to buy pills for pain? You can't give much credit to the fact that cannabis is this great alternative to synthetic drugs when someone who works in a dispensary opts for vicoden. Showing the staff getting high in a park before a softball game doesn't help the recreational argument either.