Follow my first grow


Active Member
i want to know what difference it makes flowering with CFLs compared to HPS. i've been told i won't get good bud (and i'm used to STRONG bud) flowering with CFL. Also i've been told Miracle Grow soil makes bud taste bad and that i should use 18/6 light instead of 24hrs during veg. having no experience, i would appreciate sugestions and comments, thanks,


New Member
Cfl's work for me to grow killer nougats.People who say you can't grow with cfl's are people that need more help to grow.


Active Member
thanks, i can't afford a ballast and bulb anyway
i think we will add a stronger CFL in the main socket and use Y adapters to chain 42 watt lights down the sides of the girls. for now i have 9 42 watt lights.


Well-Known Member
A white shower curtain will help reflect some light back to the plants. I have heard of great results with the MG moisture control.


New Member
And i use miracle grow with soem topsoil added in. If people can't grow with what they have, when they obviously have enough, are lacking in greenthumbery.Don't get discouraged!!!:hump:


Active Member
i mixed in some supersoil with the MG. makes it mulchier. it also has nuts, so i'm not adding anything to water. using britta filtered water to lower PH of the water here and it lowers alkalinity, hardness, and nitrite levels. i'm not going to veg much longer. also we put foil around the tub today


Active Member
tonight i put the clones in a jiffy greenhouse with some water in the side of the tray. also let the peat pellets soak up a little more water but didn't leave them sitting in any.
when i took the clones i cut new growth stems from the bottoms of the 2 bigger plants. i put them in a small glass with an inch of water for a few minutes while the peat pellets soaked up water, dipped them in rooting powder and put them in holes i made in the peat pellets, then worked the peat around the clones and tamped it down a little. i built another light fixture and got 2 more 42 watt bulbs and put it in a cupboard in the bathroom. i can leave those lights on while the lights in the tub are off.
i'm going to try using the lights on some cactus starts i had from an old mostly dead cactus that used to be really cool. they've been sitting in a jar of water for months and have a small amount of root started.
:peace:USE A VAPORIZOR:peace:
it tastes and smells better and it's healthier:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
looks good, im about a week behind you it looks like and i was wonderin when you were plannin on flowerin?? i probably will only let mine get as big as yours and then start to not stretch the light (maybe grow bigger the next time around) for it is my first time.


Active Member
We started flowering 2 days ago and these little things have started popping up on all 3 plants. They sure look like pistils (female/white hairs) to us...tryintogrow: this is our first time growing with cfl's. These are in 3 gal pots, for size reference.



Well-Known Member
how long were they vegging for? and what fert are you gonna use for flowering? ill be watching yours close hoping to learn for mine:)


Well-Known Member
they look good, where did you get that jiffy green house, and those clones off the 3 you just started flowerin? sorry about all the questions


Active Member
lookin good man , im starting my 1st grow soon and ima keep an eye on this to learn alil bit here and there ,keep up the good work


Active Member
They have been veg for about 3 weeks since they were cloned, (they were given to us at 10 days since cloning, so we have been veg them for about 15 days with our setup. His lights weren't near as close.)
We planted them in Miracle Grow potting soil when we transplanted them one week ago, so we aren't using any additional fertilizers.
Yes, we took the clones right before we started them flowering. We are trying to go by the book Buds for Less by SeeMoreBuds(it's only about $14 and it's awesome!), as much as we can.
We got the jiffy greenhouse at Home Depot with those peat moss pellets in it. (They are for starting flowers and veggies) It seems to be working perfectly for now. But the little plants are within an inch of the lid, so once they start growing we'll have to figure something else out...


Well-Known Member
ya i just bought that book 2 weeks ago, its good stuff ill keep checking in. ill come an post some after my babies start to flower thanks.


Active Member
plants still looking good. i don't like leaving them alone for 12 hours though.:mrgreen:
got 3 more bulbs, now need 3 more Y adapters to add them to main setup.
that will help keep each plant surrounded with light. all CFLs are 42 watt, including the 2 in my clone cupboard. lighting idea was all from GK's book Buds For Less by See More Buds. after comparing mine to other pics, so far i would say the book is DEFINATELY worth the money. i am going to keep flowering with CFLs and add more from below as i raise the main set. i plan to FLOOD the plants with as much light as i can. the light fixture is very adjustable and i can add more y adapters to lower/ change position of the lights.
here are new pics...:peace:



Active Member
two of our clones look pretty bad. they are a week old and barely have any green left. i've been misting them with filtered water once a day. any advice??? any chance they'll make it?
the plants are looking great, about a month old now. watered last night, moisture meter was down to 4.5. next time should i use a little more perlite, it had been 12 days since i watered last?

