Follow my first grow


Well-Known Member
Hey man,
I believe the reason why your clones haven't made it is because they are trying to do too much of two things at one time. You are supposed to take off any lower leaves, and leave generally the top 2 or 4. This way they use their energy to make roots, not take care of leaves. Also they still might make it. If a root starts in there then they should bounce back. As for you misting everyday, you shouldn't. If you have them in the green house, as long as it is activly creating water everywhere your good. Good luck man!:peace:


Active Member
Take the tin foil off and replace it with mylar or white paper or paint it.
The tin foil will create heat spots, which could burn the plants.


Well-Known Member
Your plants though are looking very good i wold also replace the foil with some mylar,but i cant seem to find any around here

I too am using SeeMoreBuds's and it seems to be working so far
i am in the early process though, ill be following this thread as mine grow older, if you have any pointers for me check out my journal


Active Member
If you can't find Mylar put white printer paper over the walls.
they're very reflective and don't harm the plant.


Active Member
Can't paint, we are renting. And I would try the mylar(emergency blankets) but I heard that it's hard to get it up without screwing it up.. But the white printer paper sounds like a cheap alternative...any idea where to get it? It comes in rolls right? I think I know what you are talking about.


Active Member
Here's pics from a few min ago. Lights just came on. They are sooo pretty! Still not even starting to bud yet, just putting out shitloads of new leaves and white hairs are popping up still, slowly.



Active Member
We are proud parents! Moved the clones to our closet last night and saw something white snaking out of one of the peat pod thingy's...picked it up to a pleasant suprise of tons of roots!! The other two were still questionable, no roots showing yet. Planted the one clone (Clone 1). Then, this morning, noticed a root coming out of Clone 2...yay!!!! Here's pics...



Well-Known Member
whooo, you should be proud they lookin good but I think that makes you a grandparent.... :) what root solution and medium did you use for them i gotta take mine tommorrow


Active Member
i used Rutone powter and peat pellets. filtered 6.0 ph water to wet the pellets, and used a drill bit (found it looking for a nail) to open up the middle of the peat pellets.
i read that u should keep the clones in water so they don't suck up an air bubble. i cut the clones and cut off their lower leaves and left them in a little jar of water until i was ready to powder and plant them.
i was worried about the powder being rubbed off so i made holes bigger than the clone stems, set the clones inside, then worked the peat back into place by squishing the peat pellet gently a couple of times and then packing it down a little bit.


Active Member
cool, i bought the same jiffy greenhouse the other day for when i clone at the end of the week but i plan on using cloning gel instead of powder. i bought the jiffy greenhouse because the peat pellets were bigger than the pellets that i saw just sold seperately. i also had the concern that the top won't be tall enough to fit my clones so i'm probably going to cover it with a storage tub instead. i haven't had time to read or really browse about other users experience with the jiffy greenhouse peat pellets so thanks for posting this!


Well-Known Member
Hey man,

In one of your posts on the last page you said it isnt budding "just tons of leafs and hairs" Dude, those hairs are the bud. Congrats.


Active Member
Ok, we are on day 24 now and the girls just looking awesome! We took down the foil and put up computer paper and we added 3 more 42 watt bulbs. And all 3 clones have taken root now and have been planted:) And we started some bagseeds germinating a couple days ago and about 4 or 5 of them have cracked their shells and should be ready for planting tomorrow...

