Leaving Hydro for dirt


New Member
Well i really thought i had it down with hydroponics, But alas my years of veggie growing in the back yard seem to have failed me. I setup at a friends house in a wardrobe i gutted and put a hydro system in[https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/58277-so-i-built-growdrobe-pics.html]
But the first grow was plagued by problems, managed to harvest 2oz but my aero setup really let us down. Turns out that the water here sucks, ph is high as hell, 450-550 ppm really just crap. So i could fight it forever, spend more cash on water treatments or buying water/RO system or just get some dirt and do it that way.

Also switching to dirt allows me to eliminate the reservoir, thus giving me more space in the bottom chamber. So now i should be able to clone, veg, flower and keep my moms happy all at the same time. I have a separate small cab i set up to hold the moms in his closet. It holds 2 under a few cfls, so far so good, they seem to like it in there . The mothers were in fact the first plants i put in dirt, as it seemed like the best way to keep a plant for a long time with the least effort. For now the clones come from 2 mothers i grew from bagseed, appears to me to be indica dominant.

I would love to get some strains going but the only guy i know who would sell me a clone wants $50 a pop. I do hope to get some lowryder #2 seeds soon, When i do i figure i'll just toss my current moms and put 1 male and 1 female in my mother cabinet and let em do there thing so i get more seeds. Then maybe do a LR#2 grow under the HPS.

I went to the store today and bought eight 8" square pots four disposable roasting pans to go underneath them, some miracle grow moisture control, and some perlite to loosen it up a little. I have some clones going that i cut early this week, when they root i will move to dirt in some pots i made from the bottom half of my ISO bottles [recycled baby] I will veg them for a few weeks under my cfl array, top and then move the best 8 up under the 400 watt HPS probably straight to 12/12 from there but i may veg a little more, i plan for very short plants so i will flower at under a foot to finish under 3'. I really hope to hit .5g per watt this grow as my last wasn't even close.

Any input on my pot size? Think they will be big enough to grow little 2'-2.5' plants in? I know people use 1 gal per month of growth but i have also seen 2oz per plant from a buddy's grow in cut up 2 liter bottles. So i figure this should fall somewhere between the two. I also plan to top dress the pots in hydroton as per the FAQ, I have no great excuse for not having taken clones and started vegging weeks ago but i ended the last grow alot earlier then i had expected to due to generally being disgusted with the results. But in the future i hope to hit a harvest every 8-9 weeks since i can have pre-rooted and vegged 1' tall clones ready to go ahead of time. I had wanted to do a journal for my first grow but being a noob i decided to wait till my 2nd grow.

Starting this one now so there will be no backing out. I promise i will post some pics of the reworked cabinet soon, i took some today but now i can't seem to find my camera.... Any input appreciated, all questions answered, Tell me what you think. Anything you see as a problem?


Well-Known Member
yea!I read the title and bailed, Its friday night and my smoke is on.its just a lot of reading. IM fucking rippppppppppped


Well-Known Member
I havent grown at all for several years, but I'm also just starting my first soil crop after only having done flood/drain hydro before.

I'm using 15l pots (thats about 4 gallon?) though I'm already thinking I might try and get 5, smaller pots on each shelf next time around.

$50/clone? - I dont know what the going rate is where you live, but that sounds damn expensive to me! I managed to source some unknown/"i think its kush?" clones, just to get something going, but I'll also be buying some brand-name seeds and raising my own mothers once I get the veg room up and running!


New Member
Another friend just called and told me that he has a friend that has 2 mother plants we can have as long as we promise not to kill em. So it looks like monday i will be the lucky recipient of 2 well established [2' tall] mother plants, 1 white widow, and one "mango kush"? He said he wasn't sure about the name of the second one, either way it will be exciting to get my hands on some real genetics. I wonder what to do with these 16 clones i got going now? Seems like it would be worth it to wait another 2 weeks to get rolling with the good stuff then to continue on with the bagseed lineage.

So i guess i'll veg out the current clones till after the last frost, then I'll try sticking them outside somewhere. I have been thinking about using cemetery's as a starting point for getting into the woods. Be easy to visit regularly without anyone thinking anything of it.

Anyone have any experience with these strains? Seems like given the small area I have i figure i better limit my grows to one strain at a time so the plants will be more uniform. Could I do them both at the same time?


Well-Known Member
start from bagseed if you cant afford the clones or order seeds...

cross bagseed. that is what you smoke on anyway... you know all strains come from bagseed in one way form or another!!!!!

50, IMHO, is just way too fucking much for a clone! reminds me of that dude who made the thread about the 70/75 dollar clones 2 for 150...fuck no!!

aero is easy. you just have to have the situation in check. hell you coulda used a brita filter. and you must keep your temps below 70. hella below 70!!!!


New Member
I did start from bagseed, thats what my last harvest and the mothers in the picture are. But it seems like it's worth another week of waiting while i cut white widow clones from the plants i'm getting tomorrow.


New Member
Oh how things change so fast some times. Well I was so excited as today we were going to get the Mango And the White Widow Mothers, They were promised to be "Well Established Mother Plants" Well when we arrived we learned that they were more like stretched recently rooted clones[3] And one unsexed seedling. And the strain has now changed aswell Mango X Big Bud Is what these are supposed to be.

So we took em back and put em in the mother cabinet. They will get 24 hr light for a few days at least, Then with any luck i will top/clone them within the next week. I had expected to cut 8 or more clones from these " Well Established Mother Plants" But it is not yet to be. I will have many Mango X Big bud clones ready for my next indoor crop but for this one we will proceed with the clones i already had cut and rooting in rockwool for a week or so. So the strain is going to be unknown once again.

Heres some pics of the new "Well Established Mother Plants" Aswell as the clones i will be using for this journal. Any input appreciated, especially for anyone who has any experience with mango or big bud crosses.
Thank you & Good Luck



New Member
great so what i have been so excited about is "ok bud" X "High Yeilding ok bud" Can't wait. I think i may switch out the 8 pots in there now for like 16 2 liter bottles with the tops cut off. Flower straight from clone and go SOG style. Is 16 plants in Soda bottles appropriate for a 400 watt hps, I can get REALLY close with the air cooled hood.

And to make things better the guy i got the clones from said he wants a zip when we harvest, damn dude, thats half of what i got last time, Its a cabinet not a field. Hopefully the big bud genetics will at least lend itself to a Much better harvest this round.


Well-Known Member
maybe itll get better with the cross, youll never know until you smoke it. are those pics after you took the clones cause those moms dont have any side shoots right now to take clones.


New Member
No I'm sorry to say that my "Well Established mother plants" Are far more like freshly rooted clones , and stretched at that. I plan to veg for a week or so, Thn i will top 3 of them and clone the tops for a total of 6 plants, Probably Veg them a few more weeks and use all 6 as mothers for next crop and this years [my first] Outdoor festivities.


New Member
Well Again my plan has evolved. I ditched the square pots in favor of 2 liter bottles with the tops cut off and drainage holes burned into the bottom with a soldering iron. I can fit 6 per roasting tray for a total of 24 in my little cabinet. If i lollipop them and go straight into 12/12 from rooted clones i think i can make 24 fit???

My current plan is to attempt a perpetual harvest SOG. If i can pull 1/4 oz per plant i can harvest 1.5oz every 2 weeks. Might almost be enough to hold my buddy and i over till the next harvest. [probably not but i can dream.]

I would really love some input on my plan. Seems like i can pull it off no?


New Member
Please don't hold the sad state of the larger plants in the pictures against me. These are my "well established Mother plants" from a friend. I also threw in some pics of my empty mother Cabinet and the bottom compartment of my Main Cabinet as the lighting has been reworked in both. Those back to back bulb sockets are great, And i got em for a buck a piece. If anybody wants a link let me know.



New Member
BTW my heat mat under the clones went unplugged for awhile, Has significantly slowed them down. I transplanted the 3 rooted clones [cut before the rest] into 2 liters topped them with hydroton [put a handfulll on the bottom for drainage too.] and threw em under the 400 hps for 18/6 maybe a week or so till i flip it to 12/12 and move more clones in.

I sure would love some input here, getting lonely talking to myself.:neutral:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
:hump:Yea I know the lonly thread thing too! Your cabinet looks awsome man nice job building that! Don't have any experince with clones but the mothers do look badly streched! Nice thread I'll be keeping an eye on you! Stop by my thread when you get a chance!:peace:peace man:peace:

P.S. Link in my sig at bottom to my journal :joint::joint: