Leaving Hydro for dirt


Well-Known Member
start from bagseed if you cant afford the clones or order seeds...

cross bagseed. that is what you smoke on anyway... you know all strains come from bagseed in one way form or another!!!!!

OMG dude.... you didnt just say that.... All from bagseed.... lol... have you ever heard of traveling and getting land races?.... get with mandala for some crazy shit....


Well-Known Member
I dont know man... i just finished my first grow ever and did hydro dwc indoors and dirt outdoors.

The temp in the rez is very important as im sure you read on my journal.... but hydrogen peroxide every 4 days really helps to keep the roots white... go to wally world and get those blueice packs... 98 cents each and i just rotate 5 to 10 of them every 12 hours... keeps the temps in the 77 range... still bad... but with hydrogen peroxide it grows fine....

Dirt... oh momma... im not sure if it was the dirt... or the sun... probably more the sun.... anyway outdoor is the shit.....

the major advantage of dirt is that you deal with water every 3 to 4 days ... and the nutrients are in the dirt and will last about 4 weeks from when you transplant... you really dont need to buy shit but miracle grow.... the last 4 weeks i kinda gave it a douse of my overdrive and some sugar... with properly ph at 6 .. and those nugs got soo full and slimy... i cant wait to smoke that outdoor one...

So anyway man... soil is awsome .. but i have to say that on my soil seeds from mandala... i allready had to kill a little fly... hydro is great to not have to deal with pests... i really didnt see that many in my dwc setup....

anyway..im way to stoned in the morning and would sit here and type a story... well i think i allready did... anyway man.,... good luck with your grow.