Have my plants allready streched out?


Well-Known Member
pretty stretchy, just move the light bulb closer, and when you replant just plant the plant deeper down and cover up the stem and all will be fixed, also if you don't have a small fan onthose seedlings, get one...improves stem strength more than anything else I can think of


Ii have a fan too, but i started to use it like 2 days after planting. here pics showing how close my cfl is .



Active Member
pretty stretchy, just move the light bulb closer, and when you replant just plant the plant deeper down and cover up the stem and all will be fixed, also if you don't have a small fan onthose seedlings, get one...improves stem strength more than anything else I can think of
Not always the safest thing to have a fan blowing on them tiny babies they are still fragile, you know what happens on a hot windy day, you get wind burn, well same goes for them then not very resistant at that age. You can get away doing it for 5 minutes a day or so or not blow it directly on it.

Now you do want to support them stems though, i was told and found out myslef that by just using your finger and slowly bending them gently around can promote the stem to get thicker and stronger earlier.