You've Seriously Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me


Active Member
TRUE STORY: Theres a warehouse type store where i live that has tons of little store/shops inside (mostly asian). Back in the 80s they had a gorilla named Ivan on display to attract ppl to the shops. A few years ago some freak dressed in a gorilla costume snatched a little girl and tried to run out of the store. Luckily he was caught before he got too far, when he was questioned by police the perv tried to say it was a joke. So i guess we can add pedorilla to the list.


Well-Known Member
lol all this fuss over pixelated humor

man i wonder how they will react when they see their local sex offender list

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
HMMM...I gotta say that as a parent of an 8 year old girl, I have to take anything that could even remotely be a possability of harming my child seriously. And while I agree that this seems harmless enough so does having a clown at a kid's party. How many bodies where found in Gacy's crawl space?
So are you suggesting we have a news broadcast to raise awareness about the dangers of clowns? We should have a crack down.


Pedophiles come in all shapes and sizes my friend. If some freakie freaks are going around in costumes and attracting kids with candy or whatever. Then YES I am a concerned parent. Believe you me when I take her to the mall to sit on Santa's lap I watch him like a hawk!
I saw a cartoon once that had a little girl on Santa lap. She said, "if you leave 5000 bucks under the Christmas tree I won't tell mamma you have a finger up my ass".


Well-Known Member
do pedophiles have "get together's"? why would they need to identify themselves in the first place?

none of this makes sense.


Ursus marijanus
do pedophiles have "get together's"? why would they need to identify themselves in the first place?

none of this makes sense.
Exactly. It's sensational fearmongering of the basest, least ethical sort. That blonde hatchet of an announcer intoning the dannn-gerssss of a freakin drawing. Well then why hasn't there been a fiery campaign against an older icon of a rather more blatant form of the same, uhm, inclination - Chester the Molester? cn


New Member
So are you suggesting we have a news broadcast to raise awareness about the dangers of clowns? We should have a crack down.
I am saying that with associations like NAMBLA and others out there a decent parent is constantly in need of awareness of any possible threat that can harm their child. I am a grower, and the only thing that scares me about going to jail is not my grow. It is killing some scum bag motherfucker for touching my daughter. I would hope that any body that loves their children and wants to protect them is grateful to be made aware of any possible threat. No matter how cute, innocent, and benign it seems to be.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member

This. Really. Happened. :shock:

How the goddamn motherfuck could you seriously be this stupid? I did not know such a level was attainable by ONE person, let alone an entire fucking news team of people.

Wow. Just... WOW!

Mind = Blown

Seriously dude. It's a joke. Pedobear is not a fuckin conspiracy.

"The bear is cute. The bear is cute...buuuut that is what the pedophiles are using to identify eachother."

I guess I'm a pedophile then.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I would argue that giving any kind of credence to a "threat" like this just diverts focus from real threats. There are real sick people out their trying to kidnap children, and trying to groom and molest children, and I seriously doubt any of them are officially affiliated with pedo bear in any way, or try to use pedo bear to lure kids away.

I also don't understand the need to identify yourself as a pedo by a bumper sticker or something. Sure they probably do want to connect to other similar people, and I know it does happen with almost every interest including pedophilia, but that just doesn't seem like something you would advertise openly and be proud of. You would find connections other ways, not out in the open like that.