Seaweed / Kelp


Hi farmers

I'am about to make my mix , i have everythings listed on the subcool thread , but i noticed some of you are using kelp meal , seaweed , wich is not in the initial thread.
Can someone explain why and how to use it.


Active Member
Kelp meal is pretty mild stuff, you got to be careful. There was a time when my yields suffered because of kelp meal. They say it won't cause burns, canoe leaves etc. That's BS.

Kelp is only useful for it slow release of K in this SSS recipe.
IMO it depends what kind of base you're using for the concentrate. If the base has coco/coir i.e. Roots Organic mixes, you wouldn't really need to kelp because there just enough K slowly released from coco according to Sub. If the base consists of peat moss like FF Ocean Forest/Happy Frog, I've settle on 1 ounce per 2.0 cu ft bag used with excellent results.


Well-Known Member
are you saying I am wasting my time puting liquid kelp in my compost tea getting close to harvest>? didnt realise it was slow release, I went to the hydrostore for some bloom booster and the guy was going to sell me something with mainly kelp and molasses... when I saw the ingredients I realised I had all I needed at home...


Active Member
are you saying I am wasting my time puting liquid kelp in my compost tea getting close to harvest>? didnt realise it was slow release, I went to the hydrostore for some bloom booster and the guy was going to sell me something with mainly kelp and molasses... when I saw the ingredients I realised I had all I needed at home...
Reread the first sentence in the second paragraph. Kelp meal 1-0-5(actually the one I use is 1-0-2) is also different NPK than any extracts -typically a 1-1-1. Extracts in tea are so so.

Personally I would avoid anything kelp(SS pre-amendment as the only exception) after the flowering/transition period because plants just seem take longer to ripen to me if used throughout and the end product just doesn't seem finished either.