I have just recently purchased an Ebb and Grow system and its all set up very nice, i have a 1000w HPS hanging about 6 feet from the buckets and my ph is about 5.8. My problem is i took cuttings 3 weeks ago and only 1 showed visible roots through the rockwool. I took this as a sign that the rest are ready to go so i put them all into the HP system. Its been 3 dys now and literally no change at all. Leaves aren't wilted but there is no new groth and the rockwool is SOAKED. I guess my question is, will the clones take eventually or are they just gonna slowly die ? i opend one up and they all had the begining of a root system... the small deformed NUB around the the bottom of the cutting. Any Help would be nice.
Keep smoking !
Keep smoking !