Ya cheers adam for info I'm afraid to water to much as it's my first grow and afraid of doing something wrong how wet do they need to be in-between wateringYou should be letting them get all but dry in between waterings. You want your roots to dig and expand searching for water so you end up with more root massYou should place alot of emphasis on root health.
im useing boiled water that i store for afew days my soil has added nuits init so think i should be cool for the first 4 weeks anyhow have alook at my journal and tell me what you thinkI wouldn't use plain water unless your soil has nutrients in it. If your growing medium has no nutrient in it then I would be feeding with nutrients.
cool il do this tomo and il stick up afew pics and can say that they are going to be dry if so will i water them until water comes out the bottom drainage hole or just a lil wateringthe soil should be pretty dry on top and the pot should feel considerably lighter. If your drainage holes are big enough stick your finger in and feel how dry it is down the bottom
nice one i think there in for a shock in the morning as they have never been watered like this is boiled water ok to usewater untill it comes out the holes. Try and moisten all of the soil. Once your plants get big enough and once you get to know them, You will see the Changes they make in between waterings. They will slowly start to sag and droop as the water in the soil runs out and just when that starts, Its time to water