Help!!!! Plants dying instantly?


Weed Modifier
you just shocked them..they will bounce back...just don't give em such a blast of cold water next time. outdoor plants are more use to the colder rain but indoors is different ,as we tend to baby them too much, with a perfect environment, and they are not used to the extreme flux. peace


Well-Known Member
I should have posted a picture or something.....these were treated the same way, 1000 ppm out of the gate, increased gradually until I killed them with goddamn algae in a sprayer. Thats 30 days high ppm veg, just flipped to 1500 ppm bloom and additives.
Yeah, that's alright. I'll go ahead and keep vegging with reasonable amounts of nutrients. That was your second grow right? The one you killed?


Well-Known Member
you just shocked them..they will bounce back...just don't give em such a blast of cold water next time. outdoor plants are more use to the colder rain but indoors is different ,as we tend to baby them too much, with a perfect environment, and they are not used to the extreme flux. peace
65 is perfectly fine unless they've been used to higher temps and then it may wilt them. I thought I killed mine dead but its the first time I used h2o2 and thought it was that instead of cold water.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's alright. I'll go ahead and keep vegging with reasonable amounts of nutrients. That was your second grow right? The one you killed?
no I think it was more like the 4th. I've had pretty good success using this method, hell my first grow I had one plant go 12+ zips. This shit isn't rocket science, use your technique, I'll use what I see fit.


Well-Known Member
laser I see you're in soil, our methods and details/techniques wouldn't even be the same anyway.


Well-Known Member
laser I see you're in soil, our methods and details/techniques wouldn't even be the same anyway.
I've grown more hydro than soil. I am in soil on my current grow, but I'm a hydro grower. I've been looking through your previous grows. Why do you feel that overfeeding is such a good idea?

That's not a knock by the way. I used to do the same thing. Excesiive feeding doesn't make the plants grow any faster.


Well-Known Member
well basically I don't its actually more expensive but I'm kinda sloppy at times and pour in a bit too much of this or that and find it easier to just run it like that, first grow man, here I hope OP doesn't mind I'm not jacking your thread but some may find something useful here.....
I was a total noob (still am really but I got some great product since I've spent thousands I'd hope so) but am learning and getting much better, check out my Un-VO grow! too, its all fun mainly, I have 5 plants going in one bucket, two of which are over 40 inches tall now.....oh wait I supercropped it a bit as it outgrew the canopy.


Well-Known Member
also I try to do an aerospring/nft/dwc hybrid kinda deal with water pumps and sprayers spraying the top part of the roots, its not really dwc since half the root system isn't submerged, this may explain why I can run so high without burn.


Well-Known Member
ok you win, I backed third week flower nutes down to 1330 ppm.
That's a much more realistic strength. Still a little on the strong side, but some strains will be happy at that strength. My DP White Widow would love it, but say Big Bhudda Blue would be burning, choking, and dying from overfert at that strength.