
Active Member
Im really broke and im trying a grow op for personal use since I cant afford to do what I love. I just want some decent seeds because all I have is bag seed from commercial shit that these rednecks around here sell. Dont even really have a high, so I dont wanna grow it. But when I ask someone if they would mind sending me a couple seeds of their stash, I never hear from them again. It just seems like todays culture is too paranoid. First of all, even in the US Mail, you dont have to have a return address and there are public mail boxes everywhere. All theyd have to do is throw their "trash" in an envelope with MY name and addy on it, and put it in a p.o. box. I dont know what sounds suspicious about it, or how it could be caught be feds, but it definitly ends a convo.


Well-Known Member
why not just order them online? Just stop smoking for awhile to save up money and order seeds and buy lgihts,pots,soil,etc.


Well-Known Member
The reason that commercial weed lacks in high and effect is because of the way its handled during harvest and curing....since a commercial grower is moving in volume the drying/curing process is significantly reduced which means the consumer you receives poor quality weed, and the weed could also be harvest early in order to meet the demand....with that being said you would be surprised at what type of smoke you could create by caring for the plant properly flowering for the proper amount of time, drying after harvest for the prop time, then curing for several weeks to a month... I sincerly believe this is the key to good weed....anyone could send you the best most expensive seed in the world but if you didnt follow the proper procedure for harvest and curing you would be in the same boat as you are with your commercial weed.

In the very least you should practice on your commercial seeds...imagine someone sends you the seeds of the century and you burn them w/ nutes in the first week what good is that??? In addtion if you mentioned being broke so one can only assume that you are going to have a limited access to qualtiy soil, nutrients, and best cfls...HID users will tell you that you are defacing the seed that was sent you by putting it under with much love put some damn seeds in a paper towel n give it a whirl who knows you may grow some qual shit and have a lil to share w/ friends to help w/ your future seeds or growing needs...but for god sakes quit whining and asking for seeds then saying that people are too paranoid hell yeah people are too paranoid... you get 2-5 plants going in your house and see how your paranoia raises...


Well-Known Member
comon guys what so wrong with bagseed is the shit u buy off the street really that shitty to you, everyone plays the genetics card. sure some strains are very well developed. if u use your bagseed your mostlikely get a sativa which would give u more pot to smoke. idk maybe im high or just being stupid but if your comercial weed is really that bad why did u buy that sack anyway.


Well-Known Member
comon guys what so wrong with bagseed is the shit u buy off the street really that shitty to you, everyone plays the genetics card. sure some strains are very well developed. if u use your bagseed your mostlikely get a sativa which would give u more pot to smoke. idk maybe im high or just being stupid but if your comercial weed is really that bad why did u buy that sack anyway.
x2 this is true


Active Member
The reason that commercial weed lacks in high and effect is because of the way its handled during harvest and curing....since a commercial grower is moving in volume the drying/curing process is significantly reduced which means the consumer you receives poor quality weed, and the weed could also be harvest early in order to meet the demand....with that being said you would be surprised at what type of smoke you could create by caring for the plant properly flowering for the proper amount of time, drying after harvest for the prop time, then curing for several weeks to a month... I sincerly believe this is the key to good weed....anyone could send you the best most expensive seed in the world but if you didnt follow the proper procedure for harvest and curing you would be in the same boat as you are with your commercial weed.

In the very least you should practice on your commercial seeds...imagine someone sends you the seeds of the century and you burn them w/ nutes in the first week what good is that??? In addtion if you mentioned being broke so one can only assume that you are going to have a limited access to qualtiy soil, nutrients, and best cfls...HID users will tell you that you are defacing the seed that was sent you by putting it under with much love put some damn seeds in a paper towel n give it a whirl who knows you may grow some qual shit and have a lil to share w/ friends to help w/ your future seeds or growing needs...but for god sakes quit whining and asking for seeds then saying that people are too paranoid hell yeah people are too paranoid... you get 2-5 plants going in your house and see how your paranoia raises...
Im broke because I bought a 120 dollar hydroponic system, medium, lights, Advanced Nutrients Sensi 2part Series nutes, and a room to put it all in. Now as I wait for my youngens to produce, I wait to get payed. Guess you could say I put all my eggs in one basket. And this commercial ditch weed with "potential" rarely has healthy seeds. I say commercial with negativity because its brick, and 99% seeds are crushed. NOW do i still have a chance??? NOW am i whining???


Well-Known Member
I use bagseed, but then again my commericial is decent. But yeah you still have a chance and yea you're still whining. Bagseed WILL grow decent/good weed (unless you have some seriously shitty product). btw I got like 20 GOOD seeds from like 1 ounce.


Active Member
comon guys what so wrong with bagseed is the shit u buy off the street really that shitty to you, everyone plays the genetics card. sure some strains are very well developed. if u use your bagseed your mostlikely get a sativa which would give u more pot to smoke. idk maybe im high or just being stupid but if your comercial weed is really that bad why did u buy that sack anyway.
Yeah, your just high. Supply and demand my friend. When you have 40 dollars and live in arkansas and only know ONE person that sells, and that one person just happens to have nothing but crappy smoke, sometimes you buy it anyways cuz its worth a shot. I wanted to smoke, so i bought it, wouldnt you?