does smaller light + shorter plant = bigger weight


Active Member
ok so we all know that cannabis grows into massive yeilding trees outdoors in good climates , as the best grow light of all is the sun.We also know that if you have a good space indoors and at least a 1000 watt light ,a long veg period to grow a massive plant will also yeild really well, as the light is strong enough to penetrate the canopy.
But for lights like a 250 watt hps like me ,or cfls like alot of others is it a waste of time veging for long, you will actually end up with more weight keeping the plants super small as the lower branches will be closer to the light and therefore will develope alot better than if you veg to a foot , end up with a 3 foot plant and no light intensity towards the bottom.So you save time and gain weight by flowering very early with the small lights.My last grow with the 250 watt was a very stretchy plant ,i veged to 1 foot and ended up with a 4 foot plant but the lower branches were all pop corn buds,if i had flowered from seed they would been a lot fatter ,exception to this being very indica dom strains that will only double in size.


Active Member
ur best bet is to keep ur plants short i would use some knid of canopy management try to get the whole plants bud sites even with the light u will b rewarded


Well-Known Member
ok so we all know that cannabis grows into massive yeilding trees outdoors in good climates , as the best grow light of all is the sun.We also know that if you have a good space indoors and at least a 1000 watt light ,a long veg period to grow a massive plant will also yeild really well, as the light is strong enough to penetrate the canopy.
But for lights like a 250 watt hps like me ,or cfls like alot of others is it a waste of time veging for long, you will actually end up with more weight keeping the plants super small as the lower branches will be closer to the light and therefore will develope alot better than if you veg to a foot , end up with a 3 foot plant and no light intensity towards the bottom.So you save time and gain weight by flowering very early with the small lights.My last grow with the 250 watt was a very stretchy plant ,i veged to 1 foot and ended up with a 4 foot plant but the lower branches were all pop corn buds,if i had flowered from seed they would been a lot fatter ,exception to this being very indica dom strains that will only double in size.
Look into LST, SCRoG, Topping/Fimming, Super Cropping and other various techniques. Great results, not much vertical height, and you don't have to flower from seed.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
well, yes and no. the best way to go (in my opinion) is a tall, bushy plant. if you only have 1 light, then raising the light will increase stretch, and lower bushyness, and its tought to find a happy medium. I always use small CFLs located at the base of the plant, so those little popcorn buds have a lil more umph. the other option is to top the plant, over and over, til you have a ton of lower branches reaching the canopy, making the appearance of lots of colas, and a huge canopy.

i think bushy is great, as long as its been topped a bunch. and i think tall is great, as long as its bushy. i dunno


Active Member
so when the plant starts stretching if i take the main stem and bend it even with the rest of the lower branches that will increase my budage?