And THIS CRAP is legal??? Grrr!


Well-Known Member
my note-(I'm looking at 2 bottles of vicodin and precoset approx 12 inches away from me shaking my head)

NEW YORK — Drug companies are working to develop a pure, more powerful version of a highly abused medicine, which has addiction experts worried that it could spur a new wave of abuse. :sad:
The new pills contain the highly addictive painkiller hydrocodone, packing up to 10 times the amount of the drug as existing medications such as Vicodin. Four companies have begun patient testing, and one of them — Zogenix of San Diego — plans to apply early next year to begin marketing its product, Zohydro.
If approved, it would mark the first time patients could legally buy pure hydrocodone. Existing products combine the drug with nonaddictive painkillers such as acetaminophen.
Critics say they are especially worried about Zohydro, a timed-release drug meant for managing moderate to severe pain, because abusers could crush it to release an intense, immediate high.
"I have a big concern that this could be the next OxyContin," said April Rovero, president of the National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse. "We just don't need this on the market."
OxyContin, introduced in 1995 by Purdue Pharma of Stamford, Connecticut, was designed to manage pain with a formula that dribbled one dose of oxycodone over many hours.
Abusers quickly discovered they could defeat the timed-release feature by crushing the pills. Purdue Pharma changed the formula to make OxyContin more tamper-resistant, but addicts have moved onto generic oxycodone and other drugs that do not have a timed-release feature.

Oxycodone is now the most-abused medicine in the United States, with hydrocodone second, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration's annual count of drug seizures sent to police drug labs for analysis.
The latest drug tests come as more pharmaceutical companies are getting into the $10 billion-a-year legal market for powerful — and addictive — opiate narcotics.
"It's like the wild west," said Peter Jackson, co-founder of Advocates for the Reform of Prescription Opioids. "The whole supply-side system is set up to perpetuate this massive unloading of opioid narcotics on the American public."
The pharmaceutical firms say the new hydrocodone drugs give doctors another tool to try on patients in legitimate pain, part of a constant search for better painkillers to treat the aging U.S. population.
"Sometimes you circulate a patient between various opioids, and some may have a better effect than others," said Karsten Lindhardt, chief executive of Denmark-based Egalet, which is testing its own pure hydrocodone product.
The companies say a pure hydrocodone pill would avoid liver problems linked to high doses of acetaminophen, an ingredient in products like Vicodin. They also say patients will be more closely supervised because, by law, they will have to return to their doctors each time they need more pills. Prescriptions for the weaker, hydrocodone-acetaminophen products now on the market can be refilled up to five times.
Zogenix has completed three rounds of patient testing, and last week it announced it had held a final meeting with Food and Drug Administration officials to talk about its upcoming drug application. It plans to file the application in early 2012 and have Zohydro on the market by early 2013.
Purdue Pharma and Cephalon, a Frazer, Pennsylvania-based unit of Israel-based Teva Pharmaceuticals, are conducting late-stage trials of their own hydrocodone drugs, according to documents filed with federal regulators.
Hydrocodone belongs to family of drugs known as opiates or opioids because they are chemically similar to opium. They include morphine, heroin, oxycodone, codeine, methadone and hydromorphone.
Opiates block pain but also unleash intense feelings of well-being and can create physical dependence. The withdrawal symptoms are also intense, with users complaining of cramps, diarrhea, muddled thinking, nausea and vomiting.
After a while, opiates stop working, forcing users to take stronger doses or to try slightly different chemicals.

also my note- prescription painkillers are nothing more than GATEWAY DRUGS!!! They FORCE you into dependence and then you have to try something else! And this is what the DEA says MMJ is? What a total load of CRAP!


New Member
Ok, folks we have GOT to do SOMETHING about this. i am not saying we need to have an RIU sit down in front of the FDA offices in DC. But write your elected officials! Call them, pester them. We cannot allow the unethical and immoral war on Mother Nature to continue and have this type of big pharma hypocracy stuffed down our throats!. OMG, I am so PISSED right now!! Some one pass me a doobie please.


Well-Known Member
lobbyists are paid huge sums of money to pay off dirty scumbag senators and congressmen to make that poison legal.. the wealthiest people who profit from weed like it illegal keeps the prices up so there is really no chance at ever having lobbyists to be bag men like other drug companies.


Well-Known Member
man, my rep has been getting plenty of emails from me... hopefully i can send many more and this one being the next...


Ok, folks we have GOT to do SOMETHING about this. i am not saying we need to have an RIU sit down in front of the FDA offices in DC. But write your elected officials! Call them, pester them. We cannot allow the unethical and immoral war on Mother Nature to continue and have this type of big pharma hypocracy stuffed down our throats!. OMG, I am so PISSED right now!! Some one pass me a doobie please.


Well-Known Member
I'm on Oxy-Codone now and have just spent 2 weeks in Hospital because my Doctor Upped the Dosage and caused an Overdose because my body is getting used to the 40mg a day that i am on.
I'm still on 40mg a day again and it no longer takes the Constant Pain that i suffer away.
I HATE the Fuc*ing stuff and they Won't make MJ Legal here in the UK no matter what we do or say.
MJ is the Only thing that Stop's 95% of my Pain and gives my life back to me to live the way i want to live.
It's about time these Politicians and so called Do Gooders started to listen to the Patients instead of their Sheep...


New Member
lobbyists are paid huge sums of money to pay off dirty scumbag senators and congressmen to make that poison legal.. the wealthiest people who profit from weed like it illegal keeps the prices up so there is really no chance at ever having lobbyists to be bag men like other drug companies.
I tend to agree with your post. But, did you ever see the old movie "Mr. Smith goes to Washington"? I understand it is hollywood drivel. But when it came out it was first screened in Congress, most of the politicians walked out and slammed the movie. But it made them think. One person against a huge political machine can indeed have a positive effect. How much more effect can millions of people have? Yes, it is a very lopsided up-hill battle. But this is a war my friends. To quote Billy Joel "We did'nt start the fire, it's been burnin' burnin', since the worlds been turnin'. This "Medicine" is going to be made available to the public. We all know tha and cannot stop it. But that does not mean we have to sit quietly and be good little American drones and take it.


Well-Known Member
All great feedback folks, keep it going! I visit one of my so-called doctors tomorrow and I'm going to give em an earfull. Sooo tired of this BS...


Active Member
10 times more powerful! gross. I just wrote this on the other thread but a friend of a friend was in a really bad accident, and the doctor wants to prescribe him EVERY pill possible before marijuana, when all he wants is to smoke some weed because its the only thing that helps. So now doctors are just pushing this shit on people even tho they don't want it? disgusting!


Well-Known Member
yeah there is a reason that oxy and vicodin is the 2 most abused drugs in the country..the doctors have created an epidemic.


New Member
10 times more powerful! gross. I just wrote this on the other thread but a friend of a friend was in a really bad accident, and the doctor wants to prescribe him EVERY pill possible before marijuana, when all he wants is to smoke some weed because its the only thing that helps. So now doctors are just pushing this shit on people even tho they don't want it? disgusting!
It is extremely disgusting how Doctors will write pain pills before medical marijuana! I agree 100%!


Well-Known Member
I just left a friend who lost his colon to cancer and now has back problems and a hernia. He smokes pot almost all day long but guess what? The pot alone doesn't take away much of the pain. Pot is not some magical elixer that cures everything to the point where narcotics and other pills are no longer necessary and there are some who just don't like pot. I agree that marijuana should be an OPTION but so should hydrocodone and oxycodone. Some lives will undoubtably be "ruined" but lives are ruined with marijuana as well. I think those of you who believe that pot should be legal at least for those who need medication but don't believe anything else should be are hypocritical to say the least.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
pharmaceutical companies are on a path to being worse than 80's/90's south American drug cartels IMO.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I just left a friend who lost his colon to cancer and now has back problems and a hernia. He smokes pot almost all day long but guess what? The pot alone doesn't take away much of the pain. Pot is not some magical elixer that cures everything to the point where narcotics and other pills are no longer necessary and there are some who just don't like pot. I agree that marijuana should be an OPTION but so should hydrocodone and oxycodone. Some lives will undoubtably be "ruined" but lives are ruined with marijuana as well. I think those of you who believe that pot should be legal at least for those who need medication but don't believe anything else should be are hypocritical to say the least.
While I 100% agree with what you said, pharmaceutical companies production of these drugs goes way beyond medical need. They are clearly marketing themselves to the illegal drug market. It needs to stop.


Well-Known Member
I just left a friend who lost his colon to cancer and now has back problems and a hernia. He smokes pot almost all day long but guess what? The pot alone doesn't take away much of the pain. Pot is not some magical elixer that cures everything to the point where narcotics and other pills are no longer necessary and there are some who just don't like pot. I agree that marijuana should be an OPTION but so should hydrocodone and oxycodone. Some lives will undoubtably be "ruined" but lives are ruined with marijuana as well. I think those of you who believe that pot should be legal at least for those who need medication but don't believe anything else should be are hypocritical to say the least.
I agree with you completely. I have also seen how these doctors prescribe these strong painkillers like candy to all these fucking kids when they do not need them. These doctors should be able to tell when people are shopping for the shit. I've never got a pain pill prescribed to me unless I had a broken bone or just had some kind of surgery, but I know friends that have doctors that prescribe them xanax, lortabs, and aderols. Talk about a fucking cocktail. And these people will tell you that they really never needed them to begin with but now they are addicted to them. Maybe its their own faults for abusing the meds, but I think some of these docs are quacks and are making money off prescribing meds to patients.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little disappointed by some of the comments here.

Let me summarize:

Doctors giving you a prescription for "Sour diesel" = good.
Doctors giving you a prescription for oxycodone = BAD!, they're it the pocket of "big pharma" and "creating addicts".

Guess what. . .oxycodone works a HELL of a lot better for most forms of pain than marijuana ever can, and the fact that it MIGHT be addicting is why doctors who are actually competent limit the number of tabs they'll dispense.


Well-Known Member
While I 100% agree with what you said, pharmaceutical companies production of these drugs goes way beyond medical need. They are clearly marketing themselves to the illegal drug market. It needs to stop.
Just posted by JoGro as way of analogy
While I 100% agree with what you said, MARIJUANA DISPENSARY production of these drugs goes way beyond medical need. They are clearly marketing themselves to the illegal drug market. It needs to stop
Goose. . .gander.
Mote. . .beam. . .etc.

Look, either doctors should be able to prescribe potentially mood-altering or even potentially addicting drugs, or they should not, right?
Are we now saying that there is no medically acceptable use for long-acting opioid drugs?


Well-Known Member
It is extremely disgusting how Doctors will write pain pills before medical marijuana! I agree 100%!
Yeah, those crazy doctors. What a rank bunch of amateurs.

Giving patients in pain legal and efficacious pain-killing medications, instead of illegal street drugs that are relatively ineffective at treating pain.


Well-Known Member
yeah there is a reason that oxy and vicodin is the 2 most abused drugs in the country..the doctors have created an epidemic.
Most abused drug in the USA is actually ethanol; you can blame the corn and barley farmers for that problem.

But you're right, if you got rid of those damn doctors, nobody would ever abuse narcotics.