BKB's 2nd Grow

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Well-Known Member
kindness, have you done any research on molassas and hydro? flushing this way/ending your dwc this way before?
i heard a bad thing about it.
I got some good advice from Hellraiser and 4T on finishing a hydro grow. Its only during the last 10 days of the plant life anyways. What bad things did you hear cause I have used Molasses during the whole Flowering stage of my grow with the tea I brew.

I am all ears though???



Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by pandabear Let me tell u a fatful story one that will live in imfamy,

First grow, 6 five foot budding plants, halfway through flower.

Enter the molassis in the res.


plants rooted rotted within 2 days, it was to late to fix,

finally came to the ULTIMATE realization and chopped all 6 plants down, nothing was smokable.

Molassis in Hydro, i as absolutly not. maybe so professional surgary products maybe, but never again shall the deadly molssasis blob ever enter my babies roots, NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by pandabear Let me tell u a fatful story one that will live in imfamy,

First grow, 6 five foot budding plants, halfway through flower.

Enter the molassis in the res.


plants rooted rotted within 2 days, it was to late to fix,

finally came to the ULTIMATE realization and chopped all 6 plants down, nothing was smokable.

Molassis in Hydro, i as absolutly not. maybe so professional surgary products maybe, but never again shall the deadly molssasis blob ever enter my babies roots, NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!
That was 5 years ago ambz, there is a possiblity the dude already had issues with his rez.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
what difference does it make if if the thread was created five years ago? it lasted 3 years.lol
hit the arrows by pandabear to get you to the thread.


Well-Known Member
what difference does it make if if the thread was created five years ago? it lasted 3 years.lol
hit the arrows by pandabear to get you to the thread.
What I meant was that guys' issue was from 5 years ago, and the story is incomplete, so it is hard to properly assess the situation that he encountered.


Well-Known Member
Well its because of Molasses that activates my tea which in return prevents rot and slime....I used it the whole entire flowering stage of sasha and she is just fine. Maybe he had too strong of a Molasses mix in his res? I have done a lot of testing with Molasses and if you do use too much of it to soon I guarantee that it will blockout "N" to your plants. Thats one of the main reasons I use heavy Molasses at the end, plus it speeds the fermentation process for your buds. I learned that from drowning my plants in Molasses.

I think rot is mainly from warm res temps or shitty water. But I could be completely wrong. Usually a tell tale of slime, rot or infection will be a unstable pH. I learned a lot form this DWC grow about res temps, and microbrews! I almost lost all my DWC plants cause of brown slime, culprit was my res temps.

Maybe Hellraiser can clear this up since he knows his hydro growing...I am a noob at hydro!




Well-Known Member
Well its because of Molasses that activates my tea which in return prevents rot and slime....I used it the whole entire flowering stage of sasha and she is just fine. Maybe he had too strong of a Molasses mix in his res? I have done a lot of testing with Molasses and if you do use too much of it to soon I guarantee that it will blockout "N" to your plants. Thats one of the main reasons I use heavy Molasses at the end, plus it speeds the fermentation process for your buds. I learned that from drowning my plants in Molasses.

I think rot is mainly from warm res temps or shitty water. But I could be completely wrong. Usually a tell tale of slime, rot or infection will be a unstable pH. I learned a lot form this DWC grow about res temps, and microbrews! I almost lost all my DWC plants cause of brown slime, culprit was my res temps.

Maybe Hellraiser can clear this up since he knows his hydro growing...I am a noob at hydro!


Same thing to me with my 2nd DWC...it was summer time and I had an open-bulb fixture set up then. My Res temps would get around 82-86 and I started the discusting slime. My girl fought past it for a month and a half, but I was to new then and had no idea what to do. Not to mention I had like 14 other party cups >< Seems like the biggest factor in a DWC is res temps.


Rebel From The North
Hey guys il try to clear this up best i can! Adding molassis to thetea is what activate the good bactiria and feeds them, not all
Good bactiria feed on molassis some feed on other good B. So with out a good tea running in your res, your res has good and
Bad in it nat. So then you throw in mollasis dirrectly inthe res and blam!! Instant slime whycause bad B is always stronger than
Good and to just fed them lol, not good. I do not recamend adding molassis to a sterile resor a un treated res. Now on another
Subject store bought mollasiss such as the surup type i wouldnt use only in brewing tea! For adding to the res i would look at
A more diluted type like sugar daddy, carbo load (i dont like this type) another kind i like is high brix.

So when to use? I flush some people dont, to each his own. So my flush is 7 days long 3 of it is with heaving
Doses of sugar daddy only then dump res again and go strait water for 4 days and thevery last day call it the
8thday of flust i stop flooding and shut lights out for 24hr


Rebel From The North
Not to confuse thing but im working a finisher in this aswell, yellow bottle (finish) into the 7 days probibly going extend
To 12 days flush il post up later how it goes


Well-Known Member
Skunkijuana Clones that were pollinated with Jack Hammer. I still havent gave them any nutes yet. Foxfarm soil seems to be feeding them well....


Purple Le Pews are starting to flower nicely now!!!! She is in a small smart pot but has a pretty nice stalk size. I dont think I will do these 12/12 anymore cause she just seems to be a small compact plant. I will veg them for now on.



Well-Known Member
hey bkb. u think i can grab a couple of those beans? that shit sounds delish. lol. dude i dropped a board on my fuckin little skywalker today right after i topped that motherfucker. it was a big like 2 foot wide three foot tall piece of plywood that was leaning on the wall and the wind blew it over. it was like a draw bridge just falling over and smashed the top of the plywood on the topped skywalker my heart stopped :( she is tore back now. kinda sucks. ill post some before and after pics. but at least now i have a shit ton of clones. 5 skywalker cuz i just about killed the plant they came off of with the fucking plywood.the thing has like three small branches clinging to life. 2 cougars from those clones from u. i think it was the skunk pheno if i was correct. :) 3 plps, 2 sour og and 2 of the reds from that mom bc had givin to me to nurse back to health. :) shit is gonna be balling. but im gonna run out of room. lol. gonna run to bcs in a bit. when u gonna come down to blaze?


Well-Known Member
Damn is it that windy over there? Hopefully you plants will be ok! At least it was Mother Nature and not you being clumsy! I always drop plants and drop shit on my plants. I am very clumsy when high!

I am off to Hooters, my friend reserved a table for the UFC Fight. I would never do that for a UFC fight but I will go for free!!!

I was also inspecting my plants today and noticed Sasha has some Purpling going on! She is definitely a Hero dominate!
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