What a bout the cops


Just started my first grow not thinking bout getting busted.
ive gott 18 plants under 3 600w lamps
been told today that the electric company will inform the police
if they see a dramatic increase in electric.my bill has doubled in money
is this true that they will inform the feds


Active Member
It's always a possibility. They do watch major electric changes. When i did my first grow i just kept all the lights that are usually on off all the time and stopped running my electric heating. My bill only went up $5


Active Member
oh, and i also went through and switched out all the regualr bulbs in my house with 15w CFL's to save additional energy.


Well-Known Member
I hear anything above 2000w per bedroom will set off red flags... so 3 bedroom house = 6000w before it looks suspect.


New Member
It's always a possibility. They do watch major electric changes. When i did my first grow i just kept all the lights that are usually on off all the time and stopped running my electric heating. My bill only went up $5
What that guy said.

Just swap out things you have powered on needlessly with the time your lights are on. The time you listen to the stereo, cut your PS3 time in half, cut your t.v.-watching time in half., etc. All the little things add up
Many days, the lights are on in my house in rooms that aren't being occupied. Just cut out the shit you don't use.


I'm useing 2.47 Kwatt Works out at £180 per month for electric..
also I was told the cops need three lots of evidence before they bust
your yard......can I do 2 600w lights for 18 plants to keep the cost down


Active Member
It seems to me they would also take into account the number of people living in the house as well as energy usage, after all 5 people living in a place is bound to use more electric than 2. Have you had any letters from the electric company? Every time I start a grow the desktops get turned off as well as anything else I can turn off, chest freezers, TV's, lights! I just sit in the room


Well-Known Member
Just started my first grow not thinking bout getting busted.
ive gott 18 plants under 3 600w lamps
been told today that the electric company will inform the police
if they see a dramatic increase in electric.my bill has doubled in money
is this true that they will inform the feds
You just got started, and there are people that already know what you are doing? If you let people know what you are doing you WILL get busted.


I was just listerin to conversation between two mates..you lot are the
only people who no my shit and half of you are half way round the world
should be safe


Well-Known Member
I used to use a small plug in heater/fan in the grow room until I looked at the watt usage on the back. It measures about 8"x8"x5". 1400 watts. Bye bye little heater.


Well-Known Member
Just started my first grow not thinking bout getting busted.
ive gott 18 plants under 3 600w lamps
been told today that the electric company will inform the police
if they see a dramatic increase in electric.my bill has doubled in money
is this true that they will inform the feds
First off, unless you live somewhere that it's 100% legal to grow(and that place doesn't actually exist) you're an idiot for not even considering getting busted. Even state legalized growers employ some sort of stealth when setting up shop. No clue where you are but getting caught is ALWAYS a risk. Second, unless you're a "legal" grower in a legal state and you are a caregiver with documentation, 18 plants is most likely over the allotted amount, so even if you have your paperwork, you may be over the legal amount. While electric suppliers don't actually make phone calls to police, or even less likely the feds, they do somewhat monitor electricity usage. This is most likely to go unnoticed, but if there is a sudden HUGE spike in usage in a residential building, it may raise a flag or two at the plant. This can be caused by a family getting a new appliance, bigger TV, new video game, etc. Unless you're running 5 or more 1000 watters 24/7, it's highly unlikely to be noticed at all even under relatively close scrutinizing.