Help me get it right

Dr Lg

Active Member
Hey guys i'd really appreciate some feed back on this. I'm really looking to get some tasty buds out of this because that is one of the best parts about smoking bud.
Humidity around the buds is 58 percent with a temp of 61 degrees F. Fairly large bedroom feels nice and cool. Is this okay? I understand they'll dry slower but will it diminish taste or smell with that high humidity? I've never been able to get those nice fully cured nugs help me change that. All the choice nugs are hanging from hangers and smaller nugs are in open paper bags. Is this okay? I also have some nice popcorn nugs on a lid of a shoe box.

Thank you in advance!


New Member
The humidity level could encourage mold development. If you do not have a de-humidifier I would increase the air circullation and see how much it drops. For the smaller and popcorn buds cinch up the top of the paper bags and open them up for about 30 min every 8 hours or so.

Dr Lg

Active Member
tomorrow will be day 3 and so far so good. Still pretty moist. I think the humidity will drop once the water evaporates a little more. Till then I will try and get it down to 50-53. Would it be wise to throw everything in paper bags once its all formed up? I don't like the way the fresh buds turn out when their in a bag or on some type of surface. Hairs and leaves get all crunched up. One of these main cola buds is a foot long.. wonder how much it'll shrink.


New Member
Try a dryer box something dark with a breeze. get them crispy on the outside moist in the middle. put it in jars for 1 day open it up, feel it. if its real moist put it back on the dryer. once it is crisp on the out side, jar it up again. You want to let the moisture re distribute through out the plant by closing it in a jar. opening the jar releases the moisture. keeping it closed for a day and cracking it open for a few hours makes a big difference in how smooth and tasty it can be.


Scientia Cannabis
Curing starts @ 65% RH and ends @ 55%.
You want to dry your plants in 40%-60% RH, letting them gradually reach 65% RH.

Then jar them and procede to burp the jars, frequency depending mainly on:

RH, Temp and Air circulation.

Best way is to let them cure from ~65% to 55% RH slowly, over weeks (preferable 2-4 weeks).
After that time, initial burp stage curing should be over and you can jar them up and seal them, they will keep getting better with time, and won't need burping.

Dr Lg

Active Member
Awesome just what I wanted to hear. I think I'm really starting to understand this curing thing. Next hard thing will be determining when to jar them up. I have one of those humidistats you can buy at wal mart. I don't know how accurate it is but it would be really nice to be able to measure it without having the experience to know first hand. After that i'll have to figure out how long i'll be burping it... really im starting to find out that this whole curing art comes with experience.. hope this works out.


Scientia Cannabis
Awesome just what I wanted to hear. I think I'm really starting to understand this curing thing. Next hard thing will be determining when to jar them up. I have one of those humidistats you can buy at wal mart. I don't know how accurate it is but it would be really nice to be able to measure it without having the experience to know first hand. After that i'll have to figure out how long i'll be burping it... really im starting to find out that this whole curing art comes with experience.. hope this works out.

It is as you yourself put it, an art that comes with experience.
It can make or break a harvest and it's damn important.
Just make sure you follow the simple guidelines and you'll do fine.
Since you have a way to measure RH you will most likely not have any problems, just make sure you keep a close eye on the jars.
I myself use hygrometers in the jars, to get a perfect measurement and make sure I get it right every time.
When your jars reach 55% RH you can stop burping. Some people burp for 1-2 weeks, others for months, it depends on the setup and your experience and what you want.
But one thing is for sure, the more time you give it, the better it will end up being.
I have tasted 1 year old perfectly cured weed from a friend (my jars sadly never last that long hehe) and it blew my mind.