you you just dump seeds into water and they'll germinate?Well even if they dont germinate immediatly I have planted seeds that I had soaked and hadn't poked out yet that turned out fine and just devopled after I planted. I just like to germinate in a cup of water and after a day if they still havent come out I let um sit in a wet paper towl for a lil longer. grow on
ok thanks. I'll keep that in mind when i start growingWhat I do is leave a seed in a glass of water in a dark spot over night. The seed will float on the surface at first. Later it will sink because the seed has water inside. I read some where not to keep um submerged for more then 24hrs. Then if that hasn't sprouted it I throw it in a wet paper towel to finish the job. A pretty successful method. Ive heard of ppl putting them in a wet paper towel and then putting it into a cd case or something and keeping it on something warm like an incubator. Germinate in a warm dark place.Happy to help.
Yea I can't wait, but just in case... can you go over it one more time so I can be sure you have it all down correctly?love the the name 2012....only 4 more years till everyone opens their eyes to what we know
Disaster....Yea I can't wait, but just in case... can you go over it one more time so I can be sure you have it all down correctly?
Exactly what I do! My seeds spend up to 24 hours in a cup of water and whatever hasn't cracked - I put in damp paper towels, in between 2 dinner plates. Works everytime... Well, I don't have a 100% germ rate, but it is atleast 90%...What I do is leave a seed in a glass of water in a dark spot over night. The seed will float on the surface at first. Later it will sink because the seed has water inside. I read some where not to keep um submerged for more then 24hrs. Then if that hasn't sprouted it I throw it in a wet paper towel to finish the job. A pretty successful method. Ive heard of ppl putting them in a wet paper towel and then putting it into a cd case or something and keeping it on something warm like an incubator. Germinate in a warm dark place.Happy to help.
The explain this... how can 2 completely different civilations who had no contact with each other at that time predicted the same date of the worlds end?Maybe, just maybe, the guy that made the Mayan calendar got bored of making a calendar for years hes not even gonna see, and decided to go take some shots in the local mayan bar and then jump off a cliff?
Thats just my hypothesis, no beef that just what I believe