Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

Fox Farm Happy Frog soil/everything is in 3gal pots now.
Flowering about two weeks /1000HPS
Was trying FF nutes but stopped.
Essentially bagseed (seeds from a trim job)

I thought that the problems I was having with some plants were due to the tent that they were flowing in. It was white inside/ended up being bad. Took the plants out of the tent and threw it out. Now they are in their own room so I know fumes are not the problem. I think this is nitrogen but cannot tell for sure (colorblind). Your help would be much appreciated. There are two other plants in the room that look great... three that look basically like this one but a little better.IMG_2046.jpgIMG_2047.jpgIMG_2048.jpgIMG_2049.jpgIMG_2050.jpg


Active Member
How old are these plants? I'd guess just over a month? Looks like the food from that FFOF and Happy Frog is running low now that your not running nutes anymore. Run a half strength feeding with maybe a little extra N. Before that though, I would like to know if the problem is more localized towards the bottom of the plant. You see yellowing is not always a bad thing, it's very common in the flowering stage due to the plants using up a lot of energy and not getting as much sunlight at the bottoms due to the flowery canopy above. Let me know if theres anything else I can help you with.


Well-Known Member
those leaves will turn and drop. you can't save them. the plant will flower still. but it won't yield that much now.


Active Member
Im fighting same issue on one strrain imparticular. Yes i believe it looks like N problem to me as well. I will be damned if i can figure out how to fix it. Next thing everyone will want to know is ph in and out and ppms youve been feeding. I will be following to see if anyone has an answer. Ive been trying to find a foliar spray for N.


Active Member
those leaves will turn and drop. you can't save them. the plant will flower still. but it won't yield that much now.
You really think a few yellow fan leaves is going to severely affect his yield? If that's true then I'm fucked...I think theres more than one colorblind person in this thread =P..No offense thought, you probably know a lot more than I do, but ive seen leaves way worse than that turn back and plants yield fine. Yellowing can be very common like I said...Maybe i'm just misinformed.


Active Member
Im fighting same issue on one strrain imparticular. Yes i believe it looks like N problem to me as well. I will be damned if i can figure out how to fix it. Next thing everyone will want to know is ph in and out and ppms youve been feeding. I will be following to see if anyone has an answer. Ive been trying to find a foliar spray for N.
Guano is a good source of N. Why not just use regular nutes though im curious? Also, there is a lot of foliar Nitrogen sprays that I've heard of..When i remember the good one ill edit this post.


Well-Known Member
Im fighting same issue on one strrain imparticular. Yes i believe it looks like N problem to me as well. I will be damned if i can figure out how to fix it. Next thing everyone will want to know is ph in and out and ppms youve been feeding. I will be following to see if anyone has an answer. Ive been trying to find a foliar spray for N.
Magic Green by MG
As far as the age question goes.. they are all about two months/two and a half months. It's lame being that all the seeds were hard to determine type... but there are two plants that are doing great and three that are so so.. This one is the worst though. One plant is about 21" and totally green/hearty. So it makes it hard to determine what is going on when not all the plants are reacting in the same manner.

So.. maybe.. with this guy and the others that are pissed... Try nutes and extra N? Is that the consensus?
(thanks for everyones input...

Plant on the left front is 23" and hearty... right of that was shitty for a sec but good now.. its the other three that are jacked up.
The plant in the center I believe is sour diesel... has always been the runt so am not suprized that it's still small/crappy.


Yellow towards the bottom, greener on top? Just need a little more N, looks fine overall. A simple 30-10-10 or 20-20-20 should have them greening up within a week. Start at around 3/4tsp or so a gal every water and reevaluate weekly.
Gah. I have FF grow big and FF big bloom on hand. What I was told at the hydro store was that once I was flowering I should drop the grow big and only use the big bloom (micro)..... So are you guys saying that is not correct? Just want to be clear... this is the first grow in our house so want to get it figured out :)
Ok... looked into it more. It would appear its a big NO NO to use grow big during the flower... and that big bloom is only really supposed to be used along with tigerbloom. So.. I'm guessing that I should pick up some tigerbloom and use that along with the bigbloom for a feeding/see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen might be part of the problem, but the necrotic spots would indicate more of micro nutrient problem or over fertilization. Of course if there's not enough ndutes overall, it could be as simple as needing to feed it more - but make sure the pH is in range as it seems like 90% of problems are pH related. Adding more could hurt the plant if the pH isn't dialed in. Do you pH your water and nutes before you apply?
I have not been able to get a PH meter yet.. I know it's a common newb problem... I'm on it and will order one Friday. Should I just hold off and keep to nothing but H20 until I am able to get a meter?


Well-Known Member
Definately, wait for the pH meter! It's a great way to test your soil pH by testing the run off water to see where you're at. (And whether or not to compensate.) I heard you can actually just squeeze wet dirt into a glass and test the run off that way too.

I'm actually waiting on my pH meter too believe it or not, it's so essential in soil if you're serious about it. I'm using a super soil blend and rain water, but I still want to be safe in the long run. The pH problems aren't usually an issue right away, since most soils have buffers like lime - but they wear off.


Well-Known Member
Also until you get your pH meter, to be safe, your tap may be horrible - or whatever you're using - use distilled water for now. It comes in at about 6.5, which is pretty safe. At least on the sick plant. The other plants look OK and in fact this doesn't even look that bad, it may just need more food plain and simple and in that case once you get your pH pen you can feed them a 1/4 dose of grow big for extra nitrogen and dial the pH in at 6.8 for perfection. Best of luck!


Active Member
Guano is a good source of N. Why not just use regular nutes though im curious? Also, there is a lot of foliar Nitrogen sprays that I've heard of..When i remember the good one ill edit this post.
I have been on a regular feeding schedule using Roots organic line. Just doesnt seem to be enough for this one strain. Great strain too, so I have to figure this out.