My 1st grow.


Well-Known Member
I hope it's female also. This the first plant to grow as well as it's doing. I've had previous attempts at it but their lives have been cut short due to mice choppin down the stems. That really pissed me off.


Well-Known Member
quick question when does the plant show sex? ive done a half ass search and ive read "under 12/12 light condition". can anyone confirm? also once my plant shows sex could i switch it back to veg mode ?


Well-Known Member
Plants show sex about 2 weeks into flowering from my understanding and experience. That would be the 12/12 part you read. I haven't talked to anyone who has tried to put a plant back into veg once it has started flowering, but my best educated guess would be that it would slow growth quite a bit and then start up again, but I don't know if it would continue to flower or not.:? Might want to make a thread just for this in another forum. To get more replies.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply! Looks like I'm gunna let it grow a bit more before I flower it. I'm lookin foward to havin a lil tree. How long do you think it'll take to get a 5 footer or something? It has grown significantly within the past 3 days. I put it outside on the 28th @ 9" tall. Now it's 16" tall. Just last night I took a pic with the measuring tape and it was 14".. Either I'm completely stoned or the plant is totally lovin the sunlight. Maybe both.



Well-Known Member
quick question when does the plant show sex? ive done a half ass search and ive read "under 12/12 light condition". can anyone confirm? also once my plant shows sex could i switch it back to veg mode ?
Take a clone from the plant, root it then flower it. It will tell. You can throw it under a few cfl's in the closet to flower for a week..thats what I did.


Well-Known Member
I hope it's female also. This the first plant to grow as well as it's doing. I've had previous attempts at it but their lives have been cut short due to mice choppin down the stems. That really pissed me off.
I had a mouse eat my last blunt once....Fucken pissed me off too. they wanna get high too!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Lol that sucks about the blunt.

Yeah, you can clone anytime. Just be sure you cut below the third branching. Check out the free grow videos. Mr. Green has a good one that includes cloning. I'm getting close to cloning too. My plants are pretty small, but I'm confident in the plant.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
id kill the mother fucker if they stole my last blunt. definitely gunna look into cloning though. once i root the clone, would i be able to flower right away? or should i give it some time to build strength? and once i flower it and if its a female, the original plant should turn up female also?

Today's pix

Happy 1 month!


Well-Known Member
i can take cuttings from my plant and make clones at this age?
Yeah.. I'd take your lower branches , cut them with a razor blade at a 45 degree angle. Get some rooting hormone (powder or gel) I use powder , works good. Keep the cuttings wet at the end where you cut , then dip into rooting powder, put in a peat pellet that's saturated. I let mine try to root about a week then flower..Look up cloning in the FAQ'S there are a lot of good methods there.
Mines almost ready..This is a taste sample from one of my clones I'll be harvesting in a week and a half..



Well-Known Member
yo thanks for the detailed info! i really appreciate it. what kind of bud is that btw? yummm