Soil ferts are not complete (they typically contain little if any Ca and some other micro's) since the soil provides a portion of the nutrients. They also contain things like Urea forms of N which get broken down by beneficial microbes into Nitrate N which the plant can then use. Hydro ferts typically have more Nitrate N since there are few if any beneficials in an ideal hydro set up. I would go with a fertilizer specifically formulated for hydro. If that's all you have though, I'm sure it will work. Perhaps not ideal, but it should work. You know FF makes Hydroponic Grow Big?
lmfao!!!!! Not their soil, he's talking about their Grow Big fertilizer. lol!does anybody else see the problem here? lol fox farms soil in a hydro setup? Are you talkin actual soil? you put dirt in a hydro set up? lol or fox farm nutrients inside the hydro set up?