What 3 Life Lessons...


Active Member
dont smoke all of your home growns and then not be able to afford the next apartment cause that like sucks ass youll be all smokin the good shit all homeless and such ( hard to grow with out a place to live)


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with coke,
Do coke in moderation,;-)
Do booze in moderation;-)
As for cannabis toke up manbongsmilie
People turn sketchy.
They love coke, but not like I love weed.

I just don't really like it at all. It isn't worth the cost, and isn't worth itself (nose holes, addiction, etc), I'd probably rather chew the leaves :D

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
This is sad guys...the guy comes for LIFE LESSON type shit and all you can say is shit about getting loaded.

We are talking about lessons like "the ability to chose wisely between the lesser of two evils often entails a degree of self sacrifice, and the ability to sacrafice of yourself is what will truly make you 'an adult'"
Invest in yourself now so you can enjoy the next 55 years or invest in yourself later and play catch-up for the next 55 years.
(and this is borrowed advice) Dont trust whitey!


Well-Known Member
This is sad guys...the guy comes for LIFE LESSON type shit and all you can say is shit about getting loaded.

We are talking about lessons like "the ability to chose wisely between the lesser of two evils often entails a degree of self sacrifice, and the ability to sacrafice of yourself is what will truly make you 'an adult'"
Invest in yourself now so you can enjoy the next 55 years or invest in yourself later and play catch-up for the next 55 years.
(and this is borrowed advice) Dont trust whitey!
If you read, most posts on here are 3 lessons.


Well-Known Member
People turn sketchy.
They love coke, but not like I love weed.

I just don't really like it at all. It isn't worth the cost, and isn't worth itself (nose holes, addiction, etc), I'd probably rather chew the leaves :D
Learning moderation is the lesson friend;-) kill the inner fiend. Iv done the coke addict thing and no longer have the hunger. on a special occasion its ok for me to have a play. Same with booze although im still working on that one:shock:


Well-Known Member
Learning moderation is the lesson friend;-) kill the inner fiend. Iv done the coke addict thing and no longer have the hunger. on a special occasion its ok for me to have a play. Same with booze although im still working on that one:shock:
Yeah, special occasion is fine.

I still talk to some of my moms friends from when she was in highschool,
And they're from a broke ass Texas town, so they all do stupid shit.
And I take some opiates with them, or do a few lines. Never needles, or meth though.

But that's not even moderation, that's just special occasion.


Well-Known Member
that is wiser again. Special occasions. Never had a thing for opiates myself. Mushrooms are better than any other drug apart from cannabis. Sorts your life out. revelations are a rare privelige.


Well-Known Member
that is wiser again. Special occasions. Never had a thing for opiates myself. Mushrooms are better than any other drug apart from cannabis. Sorts your life out. revelations are a rare privelige.
I love trips.

I like 2CI while smoking TONS of bud :D

And I want to try Mescy...Mexico will be good for that :D


New Member
Learn to live sober. You don't have to be high all the time once a day is good enough.

Don't ever do coke!
Completely agree...

three of my own:

1.) Be very careful with three simple words "I love you" and when or how it is shared with the opposite sex.
2.) Remember once your married the first true test is simply accepting your always the one wrong.
3.) Friends from your past who are still single that decide to move across country to be closer is NEVER a good thing!

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
1. Marriage is a religious ploy designed to take the 'sin' out of sex

2. Don't waste time helping those that won't help themselves

3. Don't be afraid to take risks, they are better than regrets
...after having unmarried relations(1), I almost didn't reply to this post (2 & 3) :razz:


Well-Known Member
dont ever buy coke. dont ever rush a sale (of any type, ever). and snorting pain killers leads to an "unrelated" death in a few short months.