250W or 400W in my tent?


Hello. Noob UK grower here.

Having moved back to the UK from Amsterdam a couple of years ago, I'm getting pretty fed up with the poor quality and even poorer availability of weed in my area, so I am about to begin my first grow and am in the process of gathering the equipment I need.

I will be using a tent in my attic and because of the sloping roof the largest tent I can get in there is 65x65cm, 140cm high (that's just over 2 feet square, just under 5 feet high). I have been doing a lot of reading over the past couple of weeks on this site and others and I think I've got my head around the basics. Obviously at this stage I have hundreds of questions but I'm only going to ask one, and that is - for my space, should I go for a 250W system or 400W? (we are talking HPS/MH here)

I think most people would say get a 250W, as 400W will generate too much for that space but I really really want to go with a 400W, as I am planning on growing 4 plants at a time, and from my reading it would seem that 4 plants wouldn't do that well under a 250W. Ultimately I would like to end up with 2 or maybe even 3 growing areas, so vegging in one and flowering in another, possible propagating clones in another, but for now I'm trying to keep the initial outlay to a minimum, so will be vegging and flowering in the same space, so if I could only grow 2 plants I don't think I'd get the yield to see me through to the next harvest!

Anyways my house is pretty well insulated and the attic is really cold. I don't know exactly how cold but when the heating is on and the house is nice and toasty, go up in the attic and it is bloody freezing! The point being, if I do end up getting too much heat build up in the tent, I'm thinking I can simply open some flaps and let some of the hot air inside escape and draw some cooler ambient air in?

What I don't want to do is end up buying a 400W lamp and find that I'm having all sorts of issues with excess heat and then have to go spend a load of money on fans and ducting etc. I'm planning to have a small (say 6 inch) fan clipped inside the tent blowing across the plants and if I can get away with just that, I will. I also have some room fans that I can position in the room to blow the air about a bit (will this help?) or I could even use them to blow air into/suck air out of the tent. I only say that because they are existing equipment so would come for free.

Any advice would be most gratefully received, thanks.


Active Member
Hey bro, I run 2 400w in a 4x4, I think you would get great results from a 400w, specially since you have all that cold air to intake. bongsmilie


Thanks man, remember your 4x4 space is four times larger than my 2x2 space, so I would be running double the amount of light+heat as you if I went with a 400W.

How many plants you grown in that space?


Active Member
I would go with the 250w if i was you and if you dont like the results or you can control the heat you can always upgrade to a 400w. And who says 250w is not enough for 4 plants , it sure is a good rule is 50w per plant and thats about 62 1/2w. It wont do what a 400w will do but it would do a the job. You dont need a lot of plants for a good yield , 2 or 4 plants can get you a good yield under a 250w. Opening your flaps if the heat rises to much would only work for veg thats if your attic has no windows as you might have a light leak during flowering. I would check the temps and humidity up there 1st. Hope my 2 cents helped. Good Luck.

Happy Growing!


Right now flowering 3, I figured your could use the cold air to increase your yield, kinda


Very nice!!! :D This first grow is really going to be a learning experience for me. I reckon if I can flower a couple of plants and snag a couple of oz I'll be well happy with that, then build up my equipment and experience as I go along. I think I'll go for the 400W because the way I see it, if I get the 250W and it's not enough for what I want to do I'll be pretty gutted and it would have been a waste of money (although I could probably make some use of it further down the line) but if I go for 400W and it does cause problems, I can solve those pretty easily.


Active Member
Yep, you can look into a dual ballast runs both MH and HPS, Hydro Farm has one, they run cooler too. It's 1 unit - ballast, hood, bulb all in one bongsmilie


I would go with the 250w if i was you and if you dont like the results or you can control the heat you can always upgrade to a 400w. And who says 250w is not enough for 4 plants , it sure is a good rule is 50w per plant and thats about 62 1/2w. It wont do what a 400w will do but it would do a the job. You dont need a lot of plants for a good yield , 2 or 4 plants can get you a good yield under a 250w. Opening your flaps if the heat rises to much would only work for veg thats if your attic has no windows as you might have a light leak during flowering. I would check the temps and humidity up there 1st. Hope my 2 cents helped. Good Luck.

Happy Growing!
Argh maybe you're right and 250W is the way to go?! Decisions decisions. The impression I got from my research (I may be wrong) was that 1-3 plants was what most people did under a 250W, and if you wanted to do more plants you'd need more light. I'm still leaning towards to 400W I think. I will give it some more thought.


Active Member
I dont know what your plans are down the road? but keep in mind that the attic may be cold right now and you can bring in cool air to lower the temps if it gets to hot, but in the warmer months it may be way to hot up there to cool down.
Just something to think about.


Well-Known Member
I've always been told the more light the better. I have a 400w setup in a closet roughly the same size as your tent and it works great. No issues with heat and it's plenty of light for 4 vegging plants.


Don't worry I've got a couple and I plan to document my progress :D Everything has been ordered (well almost) and should be winging its way to me now. I reckon I should have it all in a week. Here's what I'm getting:

RB Hydroponics grow tent 600D
HPS grow light kit 400W
Temp & humidity monitor
pH, light & moisture metre

There are obviously a few other bits and bobs like electric timers, fans etc but I have those things around anyway. I'll be popping along to the garden centre in a few days to pick up my soil and nutes, need to do a bit more reading up on that side of things first. Then I think I'm good to go!


Active Member
i know you've already chosen... but to thoes who may chose 250. just get the 400w as your not gona be happy with the 250 if you want 4 decent sized plants.
i use 400w in my tent that's just over 1m by 1m and get some pretty big bushes. and its still not enough :) will go 600w next grow :P


Well-Known Member
they do make dimmable 400-250 ballast, more coin but if gets to hot in summer turn down ballast. just a thought....peace