Awesome, thanks for comin by ... you can come back tomorow if you want ... i might be giving a shit by then..but prolly not
You should take care of yur mommy issues in the meantime son.
3 legged sled dogs are common in the postal dept here, sometimes the kickstands drag so it takes even longer....At least yur a record breaker Sunbiz
thats pretty long tho, ida been sweatin to. You coulda rode a 3 legged dog there faster...put em on the kickstand and walked home and still beat that time haha.
I fucked soem beans up like that before to, now i just leave em sit out for a few mins then germ em. I leave mine on top of my T5s to germ, the heat is mellow and keeps em jus above room temp cuz its cold in here...but in summer room temp is good.
In veg i got the Kushberry and Skunk Kush veggin, the KBs are pretty compact and look very uniform, the SK are vigorous bastards and alot bigger liek the skunk father, yul see how crazy the Skunk is , its like that in veg / flower. Did you start yur Heri's yet? i got some on route from Sannies to....i was gonna pop em as soon as they came , good to knwo someone else will be runnin the same time, thanks for the tip on the lighting, i didnt knwo that
im limited for space to, it kinda sucks in cases like that one , ill guess ill be doing the same thing, i got plants on deck still , these Mango Haze are overgrowing the whole joint man