Nitrogen & Potassium deficiency?


Well-Known Member
I would have to say the p/k 13/14 is your problem just like Soil did. Just too early for it. You have made some adjustments so be patient. Cant fix things overnight...........


Well-Known Member
Don't obsess over the NPK values at this point. In a perfect world, the plants want more P for flowering, but a good general purpose fert will work just fine. Fine tuning your growing process can be done after you get the keeping them alive part down pat.
It wants more P in proportion to N and K. Actually the K in a plants diet is one of the main driving factor in how it uses the other 2......


OK, I have taken some new photos. Plants look ugly and are probably dying. 20307061.jpg41390964.jpg62557602.jpg27282560.jpg I 17275673.jpgwatered them full dose of bioflores and bioboost and sprayed them with Asahi SL (to minimise stress), but I prepared myself for their death :( Can I at least smoke immature buds?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
They're not gonna die. They'll look like it tho. I got some good smoke off this wretched thing and they started looking bad right at the same time. You just wont get a whole lot. I think I got about 2 zips from this one. But if you keep foliar feeding like that, you risk mold, and getting nothing.



Yes I know I risk mold, but.... maybe it helps. I have an idea... maybe I should rather flush? I would do this to one of my plants. Couse I have still no idea if it's deficiency or burning. Maybe I should try?

How much "Zip" is? :roll: I ve never heard about "zip" :) Is this one ounce? We don't use ounces in my country but I checked that 1 ounce is about 28 gramms. Over 50 Gramms from this plant???


I have some leaves showing similar spotting and yellowing as yours, but in veg and not nearly as wide spread. For me, I'm thinking it's a problem with potassium deficiency due to high sodium levels. I've got a water analysis on my tap and I know it's high sodium to begin with which I think is a by-product of their water softening process (I really should talk to them about it to confirm my suspicions from the numbers).

I've got a couple extra plants I've kept in smaller 6" pots as backups and for experimenting. I did a runoff test last night, not using a perfect runoff method as I don't have distilled water handy, but my 8.2ph and 1.25ec tap water was running off at 4.8ph and 7.8ec. I ran enough water through, maybe about 3 solo cups worth, till runoff was more around 6.1ph and <2ec. I finished with a mild watering of 20-20-20. In my situation I think I need to either do a regular 10-15% runoff every watering or maybe a monthly leaching on plants that have been in the same pot for some time. We've had a terrible drought this year, but I'm thinking of starting to accumulate some rain water to work into my regimen. I'm just offering this up as an example, this might not be your same problem.

If you are using tap, you might ask your water provider for a water quality report, or get one done on your own tap. I think that's a better $20 investment than first running off to the hydro store for a lot of folks. My tap is pretty extreme, yours may not be, but you won't know unless you check. Mine is 925ppm, 1.25ec, high in sodium, high in bicarbonates, low in mg/ca. It's nice to know what you're working with to plan your watering/feeding/medium.


Well-Known Member
she is no where near death as you can see from jacks plant. that is gonna be very good smoke.

since your doin things organically then your gonna have to wait it out. you are gonna wanna focus on keeping them the way the are or better, you cant worry too much about recovery at this point of flower.

there are parts of the plant that show "burns" and there are parts that show defs. thats just from not having a balanced diet.

if you really think its "nute burnt" then thats really easy to fix , just dont feed anything for a couple waters and in that time it will consume the extra food in the pot. (if you do that put a low dose of the boost with the water) Then if she starts looking worse , you know what the prob was ..... and if she starts looking better then you also know what the prob was.

that is truly the only way to learn your plant. i got some good advice for you an so does a lot of others , but in the long run its your own trial and error that teaches you , not us.

all bullshit to the side , that plant looks pretty danm good at that age. it takes a lot of people years to get what you already got. your doin great. that pot looks very good , love her dont think shes dyin from a lil leaf damage.



Well-Known Member
If you are using tap, you might ask your water provider for a water quality report, or get one done on your own tap. I think that's a better $20 investment than first running off to the hydro store for a lot of folks. My tap is pretty extreme, yours may not be, but you won't know unless you check. Mine is 925ppm, 1.25ec, high in sodium, high in bicarbonates, low in mg/ca. It's nice to know what you're working with to plan your watering/feeding/medium.
that is not normal at all ! 925/ 1.2 ? thats comin from the sewers of new york city ! AND your low in ca/mg ..... wow.

im am really glad you posted just so folks remember to at least check with the city and get there numbers or check it yourself.

i am the one constantly sayin tap water is fine..... an most of the time is , but if you dont use meters you should at least see what the city has for numbers.

scratch .... you need to get a res and a regular fish tank filter and maybe even throw some guppies in there too , that will turn your junk water into good quality water .... it might still be a lil high but the numbers in there will be useable foods instead of strait salt.



Well-Known Member
They're not gonna die. They'll look like it tho. I got some good smoke off this wretched thing and they started looking bad right at the same time. You just wont get a whole lot. I think I got about 2 zips from this one. But if you keep foliar feeding like that, you risk mold, and getting nothing.
yea ive had hundreds of those.



thank you wyteboi for all your words! I recalled something. I used twice apple vinegar for lower water pH, twice citron and once white vinegair. pH was OK after that, but I have no idea if vinegar can mess with plants....


Well-Known Member
thank you wyteboi for all your words! I recalled something. I used twice apple vinegar for lower water pH, twice citron and once white vinegair. pH was OK after that, but I have no idea if vinegar can mess with plants....
vinegar can kill plants.

dont worry about the ph right now. its fine.



I have some leaves showing similar spotting and yellowing as yours, but in veg and not nearly as wide spread. For me, I'm thinking it's a problem with potassium deficiency due to high sodium levels. I've got a water analysis on my tap and I know it's high sodium to begin with which I think is a by-product of their water softening process (I really should talk to them about it to confirm my suspicions from the numbers).

I've got a couple extra plants I've kept in smaller 6" pots as backups and for experimenting. I did a runoff test last night, not using a perfect runoff method as I don't have distilled water handy, but my 8.2ph and 1.25ec tap water was running off at 4.8ph and 7.8ec. I ran enough water through, maybe about 3 solo cups worth, till runoff was more around 6.1ph and <2ec. I finished with a mild watering of 20-20-20. In my situation I think I need to either do a regular 10-15% runoff every watering or maybe a monthly leaching on plants that have been in the same pot for some time. We've had a terrible drought this year, but I'm thinking of starting to accumulate some rain water to work into my regimen. I'm just offering this up as an example, this might not be your same problem.

If you are using tap, you might ask your water provider for a water quality report, or get one done on your own tap. I think that's a better $20 investment than first running off to the hydro store for a lot of folks. My tap is pretty extreme, yours may not be, but you won't know unless you check. Mine is 925ppm, 1.25ec, high in sodium, high in bicarbonates, low in mg/ca. It's nice to know what you're working with to plan your watering/feeding/medium.
It's below ground co-op water source, aka well water. I'm pretty sure from the low ca/mg, and other numbers that they are softening the water and the sodium is a byproduct of that process. Hard water is common in this area.

Sorry about being off topic. :)


I checked bottled water that I'm watering with. It says: "amount of dissolved minerals : 354,60 mg/L" Is this the same what EC? I searched the Internet and found :

TDS (Total Dissolved Solids - mg/l) = 500 x EC (mS/cm)

So my water has 0,71 EC??

I'm gonna take some new pictures of plants in a week, We'll see if domething changes :)