National Defense Authorization Act? Is this serious?


Well-Known Member
Missnu please correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't it state that a us citizen can only be held for actions abroad? Not saying that's cool or anything just wondering.
If it does say that, do you know how easy it is for them to accuse a citizen of "actions abroad" who has done nothing of the sort?

When your militarily detained, it's not like being arrested by the police where you have a right to a lawyer who can get the story to the press. You'd be like a ghost.


Well-Known Member
You know i'm not young anymore. I have seen good times and tuff times, but nothing like this.
I served my country and it breaks my heart that these politicians have ruined our country and now they take away
one of the main things our forefathers wanted us to have,,,, personal freedom and freedom of oppression.

I fear we watch the fall of rome. and all we can do it watch


Well-Known Member
Obama specifically DEMANDED the power to imprison citizens with nothing more than an accusation. You think he is the one who will nominate judges that don't follow his agenda to the letter? That's a bit of a stretch. I can't think of anything more dangerous than Obama with four more years and no concern for reelection. In terms of SCOTUS judges that follow the Constitution being instituted into our highest court, there couldn't possibly be a better President than Ron Paul. Constitutional scholars that follow the letter of the law, not activist judges and professors that think it's their job to bend the document to their particular brand of lunacy...right and left.

You may well be right about the appointments of Ron Paul but it is unlikely that Paul will ever be in a position to select a SCOTUS judge. Given that near certainty, what you have is the same situation I describe. Obama will not be selecting a judge based upon the judge's attention to this particular law. By the way, all judges are activist in one way or another. The question is the activism that YOU want over the activism others do.


Well-Known Member
That is delusional thinking, the only difference I ahve found between Obomber and bush is that Obamba is farther to the right concerning personal liberties. He can get away with it being a Democrat. They are all following their Banker-Prison complex, Military industrial complex lobbyists orders.
Delusional? How so? Bush did indeed detain two u.s. citizens. SCOTUS is indeed made up the way it is and falls the way it on governmental issues. Watch the court.


Well-Known Member
"I have the power to detain Americans...but I won't" - Barack Obama

Umm...then why pass the NDAA act in the first place?


Well-Known Member
"I have the power to detain Americans...but I won't" - Barack Obama

Umm...then why pass the NDAA act in the first place?

If he has the power already then he got it from Bush. I worry about any president who claims he has the power but will never use it, he may not, but the next guy might. Republicans have never understood that concept.


Well-Known Member
If he has the power already then he got it from Bush. I worry about any president who claims he has the power but will never use it, he may not, but the next guy might. Republicans have never understood that concept.
When a leader slowly grows in power does he not also slowly turn into a Dictator?


New Member
If he has the power already then he got it from Bush. .
Oh geez, King obama so great in your mind he says an asshole thing like that and you just buy into his story of blame the republicans...please...they are both dicks and they are both responsible for their own dickheadedness


Well-Known Member
"I have the power to detain Americans...but I won't" - Barack Obama

Umm...then why pass the NDAA act in the first place?

Read section 1031 E of the NDAA. That should clear alot up. People who fail to comprehend the english language interperet this line as excluding the citizens. The existing authorities are already there and have been in place since 9/11 when congress authorized the use of military forces to go after militants. This just basically justifies their place and action even further. It just piggy-backs the patriot act.


Well-Known Member
I would post section 1031 E for you here but I'm at work and on an iPhone. also the bill is like 900 pages which would take me forever to find on my phone. Lol sorry


Well-Known Member
When a leader slowly grows in power does he not also slowly turn into a Dictator?
Another poster who would rather use hot button words and ignore definitions. So far no president "grows in power" beyond his 4 year term unless the people want him to have another 4 - and then, thanks to our system of laws, he is no longer either a king or a dictator, he is an ex-president.


Well-Known Member
Oh geez, King obama so great in your mind he says an asshole thing like that and you just buy into his story of blame the republicans...please...they are both dicks and they are both responsible for their own dickheadedness

I don't "buy into" any story. Bush showed his colors by actually detaining two U.S. citizens. You ARE aware of that aren't you?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If he has the power already then he got it from Bush. I worry about any president who claims he has the power but will never use it, he may not, but the next guy might. Republicans have never understood that concept.
Presidential powers that are self granted are rogue powers. If Bush assumed this power and Obama wants to model himself after Bush....hmmm. What does that say?


Well-Known Member
Presidential powers that are self granted are rogue powers. If Bush assumed this power and Obama wants to model himself after Bush....hmmm. What does that say?

It says we can't get a damn break - at least so far Obama hasn't discovered the Unitary executive and signing statements.


Well-Known Member
You may well be right about the appointments of Ron Paul but it is unlikely that Paul will ever be in a position to select a SCOTUS judge. Given that near certainty, what you have is the same situation I describe. Obama will not be selecting a judge based upon the judge's attention to this particular law. By the way, all judges are activist in one way or another. The question is the activism that YOU want over the activism others do.
Ron Paul can easily arrest Clarence Thomas for accepting bribes through his wife. Judge Thomas failed to disclose 600k in income his wife recieved from a political organization. Google it if you dont believe me. I bet he can find enough dirt to arrest more than half of them. IF I were Paul and elected President I would arrest any Representative that voted for NDAA for treason. Then ask the people to vote me in some replacements people who havent held office. Plain old Joe's. To restore real democracy. HAve them vote for a constitutional convention to implement direct democracy.


Well-Known Member
Bush detained two citizens and Obamba assassinated two citizens. Al Awlaki a known CIA assett and his totally innocent 16 year old boy. Sent two seperate drones right up their ass. As I said Obomber is worse than the neocon Bush even. Why shouldnt he be? After all, they all work for the same handful of people. The Cockefellors and the Rothcunts. Please, please open your eyes and forget about left - right. They give us a choice of a dick in our ass or eating a pile of strawberry flavored shit. I'll ''waste'' my vote on liberty and I imagine enough others will soon also.

Delusional? How so? Bush did indeed detain two u.s. citizens. SCOTUS is indeed made up the way it is and falls the way it on governmental issues. Watch the court.


Well-Known Member
I bet he can find enough dirt to arrest more than half of them. IF I were Paul and elected President I would arrest any Representative that voted for NDAA for treason. Then ask the people to vote me in some replacements people who havent held office. Plain old Joe's. To restore real democracy. HAve them vote for a constitutional convention to implement direct democracy.
As so often happens, rather than being left with facts, instead we are offered wagers. "I bet" isn't really enough to "arrest" justices. Do you honestly think a direct democracy would work for this country?