Well-Known Member
Happy new year n all that jazz.......
plant is looking really nice m8, how long you planning on letting her go?
plant is looking really nice m8, how long you planning on letting her go?
Happy new year n all that jazz.......
plant is looking really nice m8, how long you planning on letting her go?
yeah im all good geezer same old shit ya no how it is, longest ive let it go was 63days and it tasted real nice but that really racy uppy high u need to let it go longer still some tastey tastey smokeage at 60days tho do me old mukka , not spoke to you for abit , sorry i missed you online last time you was on ... hope everyones doing fine for ya mate
she is only at day 36 now , was gonna run for 60 days ish ... what you think good or not ?
this reply has confused the shit out me , i was sure i posted a question to you on here asking if you used just ripen and no nutes but now i cant see it yet you have replied to it ... wtf ?? loli use just the ripen m8 no other nutes for the last 2weeks sometimes and the taste is 100% improved than without the ripen.
i ripened the slh from day 42 the chopped on 56 it had nuffing but ripen and plain water and even las was saying how good it was and was very shocked when i told him i chopped it at 56 that ripen i really like av been using it for a few years now.
Hi man , im back now just been having abit of time away from RIURobbie, were you been asshole?
yes mate im at day 46 nowThat scrog of yourn must be looking pretty sweet robbie! In the 7th week now are you?
till day 60 mate then chop chop chopLookin nice n frosty matey,how long u goin 2 usr the ripen for?
2 weeks left ... i think they look bigger on the pics than in real life but i dunno lol , deffo gonna be a decent yield assholethe buds are fat as fuck now! id be lickin my chops to lol
im having to top up my farm every other day with 5 litres of new water/ripen mix lol , she's caining the drink !!Nice m8 nice,a filled ma farm with ripen today will be in it for 2weeks at least![]()
Aye they dnt half go thru it when they get near the end in thefarms. Lookin top drawer anyways m8 hope mine turns out half as good nxt time rou.dim having to top up my farm every other day with 5 litres of new water/ripen mix lol , she's caining the drink !!
Fuckin quality rob well done mate! she looks gorgeous an is 1 fat bitch but in a good way lol!! actually thought you'd fell in there an got lost!, you'd been missin for that long lol
deserves to be blown up!!
p.s did you burn her when you removed the fans?, always gotta remember to lower your feed if your takin alot off, they cant take as much!