Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Hey stoney stranger how the hell are ya lol! You having any kind of a winter over there or is it crazy like ours? Our snow that we had for a week has melted lol. Snowmobiling pulls in 2 million bucks a year in this state. Lots of bummed out people at least the ski areas can make their own snow ; !)

My girl just came over and loved me and left me so it's back to farming for this boy lol. Thanks for stopping in brother, puff tuff ;)
id like to come and hang out all ski season, and bang dumb young girls all winter


Well-Known Member
If she brought over snowbunnies I'd reconsider the whole stay/go thing.

Maybe next year I'll have the money and a garden that can self tend for a week


Well-Known Member
i used to go to stowe and killington every year!!!!!!! i kind of miss it.... i don't miss ski injuries though!!!! hahaha

we got that same crazy weather here to HC!!!! we had that one big freak snow storm and that was it!!! it's been cold.... the other night it was in single digits, but no snow!!! figures to, i did all kinds of work to my old snow plow this summer to get ready for it... and now, NOTHING!! WTF???

the weather guessers are saying it gonna be in the 40's this weekend!!!! it's 22 right now. but it's 71.2 in my grow cabinet with the lights out right now!!!!! hehehehe

man, another week or so and you're gonna be busy with some harvests huh? I have a AK48 x Floja comming down tonight i think... I have a nice big 3 foot Caliband to put in her place!!!! she is so mature she is showing hairs in veg!!!

I need to make another run of full melt to!!! maybe tonight..... How about you, have you made a run of melt lately?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey stoney. I made some hash earlier in the week...it doesn't run through the screen like full melt does but it's quality stuff I'm real pleased with that batch. Wating on some DOG to dry, soon as it crumbles I be token on it ; !)

Cool that you have been up to this neck of the woods man!! That mtn is almost in my backyard haha! The locals mostly go to the other side of the mtn to smugglers, we leave that other one for you outa staters lol jk ;) It's been snowing most of the day here so it's real pretty now

Good trimming tonight if you end up harvesting and your right...nice harvest coming up for me starting the middle of next wk. Feast or famine lol later man


Well-Known Member
Haha you guys would freak over here. It's 72*F outside right now. No wind. Tonight the low is 47* with 4mph winds. I have the air conditioner on right now ><


Well-Known Member
You got it slightly better than I do, 60's today, 70's this weekend. I need some heat. I got the flu again, and from my memory I've never had it before in my life.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Again? The flu is terrible man...hang tough. Once is bad enough but twice in a row must really suck. Good luck with it.

How are the Rommys doing. Great I'll bet!


Well-Known Member
Probably a r3lapse rather than 2. Was sick beginning of week, had two days feeling good, no fever. Then today fever came back.

I'll go take some pics and update my thread.

Really considering a 400w hps for the flower side. It's dimmable if I need to turn it down.

Any problems with running ballasts and lights dimmed for months on end?


Well-Known Member
Yo Highlander, your box is full.
I would hate to be annoying, but what's the status?
Youcan PM me if you'd like,
thanks a ton, & happy new year!


Well-Known Member
Posted an update.

Can't rush stoners, fairies, or quality. Reminds me of this gay fairy I met one time, such a crazy night. Was my introduction to what true Renaissance festival workers are really like after work. Much more fun than the actual festival


Well-Known Member
I like the heat. I don't like it being really hot inside from a heater when it's cold out. Something about what the heater does to the air that makes it miserable to me.


Well-Known Member
I like the heat. I don't like it being really hot inside from a heater when it's cold out. Something about what the heater does to the air that makes it miserable to me.
Man I feel you....I hate the heater feeling too, but if you keep all the fans on in the house and keep the air circulated, then it's not that bad as long as it's not to warm.

Hope you start to feelin better!

I Love the warm as well. I'd much rater see 90+ temps rather than anything below 45 :P


Well-Known Member
Me too.

I've got to keep my door shut to keep the pit bull in. So I've taken to leaving two opposite windows and the fan going to keep the heat down in my room.



Well-Known Member
Hey HC brotha! Hope you're having a great year so far. Just swinging through to say hey. Hope all is well in your cave :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey HC brotha! Hope you're having a great year so far. Just swinging through to say hey. Hope all is well in your cave :)
Hey there brother brobo! Things are going good thanks man, ya getting settled into your new place? Hope you have a good supply of smoke to carry you thru your gardening hiatus. Thinking you'll be able start a new one somewhere? The fairy hopes so ;)

Finishing off a pot of coffee, trying to finish a bowl of DOG lol and listening to Dark Side of the Moon before lights come on in the budrooms....6 BSB (becoming one of my favorites to grow) and 6 DOG at 2.5 weeks in the AF closet. A similiar run is about to come out of the big budroom later this week 5 BSB and 4 DOG. My perpetual has settled into a harvest every 2-2.5 wks lately so I'm going to try and stick with that schedule for a while.

Shtooned to the bone already, need to bebop around and get some blood flowing lol. Time to go wake up the girls : !)