THC CBD questions


Well-Known Member
Harvesting a plant early will give you higher CBD content than THC, is this true?

if that is the case, I think I want to harvest my plant on the early side because it is for my own consumption and I would love my pot to help my arthritis and tendinitis, also, I could go without the decrease social isolation induced by THC.[SUP][11


Medically, it has been shown to relieve convulsion, inflammation, anxiety, and nausea, as well as inhibit cancer cell growth.[SUP][5][/SUP] Recent studies have shown cannabidiol to be as effective as atypical antipsychotics in treating schizophrenia.[SUP][6][/SUP] Studies have also shown that it may relieve symptoms of dystonia.[SUP][7][/SUP][SUP][8]

Cannabidiol is shown to decrease activity of the limbic system[SUP][10][/SUP] and to decrease social isolation induced by THC.[SUP][11][/SUP] It's also shown that Cannabidiol reduces anxiety in social anxiety disorder.[/SUP][/SUP]


Well-Known Member
I like the high ;) just curious as to how it works... so what gets you high and how? I like the high that keeps me motivated because I usually enjoy toking all day.


Well-Known Member

good video


Well-Known Member
Harvesting at the end of the harvesting window will give you a lower THC:CBD ratio, because more of the THC has degraded into CBN by then thus you might consider this period as the favorable time to collect your flowers. On the other hand, at the peak ripeness (cca where half of the trichomes turned opaque) the ratio will be higher.

CBD and THC content are determined by genetic factors, specifically by the action of CBDA synthase and THCA synthase on their common precursor - CBG. If you really are seeking a high CBD content your best bet is to acquire the proper genetics such as Sour Tsunami, Harlequin, Cannatonic, Dancehall and many more. Bear in mind that even these strains, except the clone only ones, do not have to turn out to be CBD rich although their propensity to display that phenotype is significantly enhanced.

happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Harvesting at the end of the harvesting window will give you a lower THC:CBD ratio, because more of the THC has degraded into CBN by then thus you might consider this period as the favorable time to collect your flowers. On the other hand, at the peak ripeness (cca where half of the trichomes turned opaque) the ratio will be higher.

CBD and THC content are determined by genetic factors, specifically by the action of CBDA synthase and THCA synthase on their common precursor - CBG. If you really are seeking a high CBD content your best bet is to acquire the proper genetics such as Sour Tsunami, Harlequin, Cannatonic, Dancehall and many more. Bear in mind that even these strains, except the clone only ones, do not have to turn out to be CBD rich although their propensity to display that phenotype is significantly enhanced.

happy growing!
He used lots of big words so he must know what he is talking about :-) I'm just bustin' on you good post.


Well-Known Member
Coming from a club vendor he is correct big words or not Alsoif u live the upper motivated high look Into sativa or sativa dominat hybrid emight be best for u just got to try new things and c what works for u