thanks man i think i need to wait to give u rep lol gave it before, the cm took well to 1/2 strength nutes next time in going to try for full strength they should be fine with itplus rep
yes she is starting to green up nicely one or two more feeds and should be a bright green ....
soon as you change light schedule to 12/12haha i can only hope, do u no how long it will be before she starts to bud shes 4weeks 2days atm
she's a autoflower matesoon as you change light schedule to 12/12
20/4 atm shes got tiny little hairs i fink there alled pre flowers if im not mistakenoh well then my bad...haha probably in the next couple weeks it will start...what light schedule is it on?
il upload a quick pick but she sure dose look like a female yayV shaped white hairs...yay female
yay, the new couple of weeks are going to be interesting cant waitfemale for sure !!! next couple of weeks