Tell Your Lorazepam Experiences


Well-Known Member
...also let me add .... addiction to benzos with a short half life ie; lorazepam, xanax, temazepam, midazolam comes quicker and more sever than benzos with a long half life ie; diazepam, clonazepam,
although diazepam doesn't work well for panic disorders ...i would say it's one of the safest benzos on the market due to the fact that it has such a long half-life, however it does have a quick tolerance rate.


Well-Known Member
Back when I was addicted to benzos I was popping or snorting up to 20mg a day of Xanax. It sucked but Xanax is still one of my favorite drugs and I do it occasionally.


Active Member
What the hell does this have to do with hallucinogens? :D

Yeah, benzos are super addictive and the withdrawal makes oxy withdrawal seem like a joke in comparison - but they are MEDICAL NECESSITY for those with panic disorder. I've dealt with shingles, one of the worst pain conditions in existence, for which they shovel morphine down your throat with a pail, and I would much rather face that without painkillers than a panic attack without Xanax. A true panic attack is the single worst thing a human can experience. Nothing can compare. And I'm not talking about "freaking out" 'cause you're so stressed out. Panic is qualitatively very different from anxiety. Anxiety, you're concerned about external things. With panic, your anxiety is actually over the symptoms of anxiety. It spirals out of control to the point where the physical symptoms can be very severe, you can even throw up or collapse. I cannot emphasize enough what a lifesaver benzos are for those with true panic disorder... there is literally nothing else even close to as effective - I've tried every imaginable downer - and mj typically backfires for true panic attacks. Want to make your head explode? Take a bong rip when you're already freaking out about your heart rate.


Well-Known Member
I had sleep problems as withdrawal symptoms, pissed off too. Heroin is way in a different league that can kill you or make u want to way way worse. Don't fuck with it kids will only kill you or your being.
You've got that backwards. There are no reported cases of someone dying because of opioid withdrawal. Some commit suicide but even that is not that common except in people with absurd habits who aren't getting enough help. Like Thomas Highsmith, the chemist from Utah who was making a super potent benzimidazole derivative for personal use. No idea how much he was doing a day but 300mg of methadone wasn't even taking the edge of. But generally benzo w/d is much much worse than opioid withdrawal. Aside from the fact that benzo withdrawal can kill you, it is a much longer process, and many find the mental anguish much worse from benzo withdrawal. Alcohol, Barbs, and pretty much every GABA active sedative has dire w/d consequences


Active Member
I'm a little, confused. Really!!??
Yuppers. The chemical stores in your joints similar to Oxycontin. What a lot of people don't understand, is that Valium has a very long half-life. So if you take a valium (or any benzo) one day, and take one the next, there's still half of that initial benzo you took on day one in your system. Which is why if you take valium/benzos for a long amount of time, the buildup of the chemical can reach toxic proportions really quickly. Not many people realize this.

I was once prescribed Valium, but I didn't use the script. I was so hooked on drugs and alcohol at the time, I would have just gotten addicted to those as well. Thank God I made the right choice there.

I've seen people in AA, NA, and rehab facilities hooked on this stuff.Trust me: Pills of ANY sort seem to be the worst.

Benzo and opiod withdraw are the absolute worst. Hands down.

Stay away form this stuff if at all possible!