BKB's 2nd Grow

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haha, she turned out KILLER dude. What did you use for your gnats? Those damn things just seem to never go away completely, I'm always battling. Tried nematodes, neem oil, cedar oil, hot shot, whale jizz. Nothing wipes them out!
ive heard that go gnats was supposed to tear up my plants. but i used it at the lowest possible dosage on the bottle. something like .4ml per gallon or something. it worked so far. i used it in my waterings and it killed them all completely. but they might have been right about the posability of messing ur plants up so i didnt use the full dosage. probably wouldnt use it on the smaller plants either unless it was already getting full strength nutes. bc99 and bkb can rec some bangin shit that they use. :)

bkb that shit looks fuckin killer dude. i didnt know she has so much under growth. she is fuckin amazing. i give u like ten thumbs up. lol. never enough rep in this bitch. lol. i still have that re-veg in the tent. she is spitting a bunch of single bladed leaves out. so dont worry one of the sasha jrs will still be around when u get back for u. im going to keep cuttings of her around for a long time. lol. i got u brotha. bc help me with a ton of shit too. he is a life saver sometimes not to mention helping a nigga get his swag on in the grow world. lol.


Well-Known Member
Ay bro hows everything going?

Your buds got me feeling right. :)
Great weekend...tired! Need rest for tomorrow trim session, you coming over?
Thanks wheels, yes you are the only person who has a clone of Sasha. My other 2 clones are almost done they were pollinated with the Jack Hammer. So please keep her around.

Going to need some taste testers of Sasha grown in hydro and soil. I have those 2 clones in FoxFarm Soil, want to see if there is a difference.




Well-Known Member
Great weekend...tired! Need rest for tomorrow trim session, you coming over?
Thanks wheels, yes you are the only person who has a clone of Sasha. My other 2 clones are almost done they were pollinated with the Jack Hammer. So please keep her around.

Going to need some taste testers of Sasha grown in hydro and soil. I have those 2 clones in FoxFarm Soil, want to see if there is a difference.


for sure bro she will be around. especially after that magic u pulled with the big sasha. lol. :)

im down for testing. always down for testing. lol. :)


Well-Known Member
Not yet, just her main cola. I vegged her for about 57 days. Sep 13 is when I put the seed in a root plug till Nov 4th. Today is exactly 9 weeks of Flowering time.


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