like i said before,i have onle grew his iranian and it was ok,not bad,just not close to what the hype is,im not even saying that he does not have good genetics,all im doing is warning people about ogman cause he is spamming and lying,and im convinced it doc.i dont trust people who lie
i have no issue with you having an opinion, but be civil about it. this guy banditt is not. truthfully i have had numerous issues with low germ and low fem/male ratios with ssh and ss from mr.nice, but do i go around bashing mr.nice genetics and saying that people are fuckheads for liking them or buying them. i mean is 200 for 11 fems really so bad?? i pay over 150 for 15 reg beans of ssh and of the first 5 i dropped, 2 didnt germ(got all soggy in rr's) and the other 3 were males. now i find male ssh pollen to be worth 150 do i call nevil and shanti and bitch or call them names at a learn more and make educated decisions about which beans i want to spend my hard earned $$ on...