Dr. greenthumb seed review!

like i said before,i have onle grew his iranian and it was ok,not bad,just not close to what the hype is,im not even saying that he does not have good genetics,all im doing is warning people about ogman cause he is spamming and lying,and im convinced it doc.i dont trust people who lie

i have no issue with you having an opinion, but be civil about it. this guy banditt is not. truthfully i have had numerous issues with low germ and low fem/male ratios with ssh and ss from mr.nice, but do i go around bashing mr.nice genetics and saying that people are fuckheads for liking them or buying them. i mean is 200 for 11 fems really so bad?? i pay over 150 for 15 reg beans of ssh and of the first 5 i dropped, 2 didnt germ(got all soggy in rr's) and the other 3 were males. now i find male ssh pollen to be worth 150 alone...so do i call nevil and shanti and bitch or call them names at a forum...no...i learn more and make educated decisions about which beans i want to spend my hard earned $$ on...
I wont be using Dr Greenthumb seeds any longer. I've used a half dozen of his strains and none were worth the money for the seeds. This is my indoor hydro experience, your outdoor experience with his stuff would probably be better.......
how can i go look at your grow journal?? do you have one?? im new to navigating this forum... thanks in advance...i would like to sub to your journal.

n/m i reread your post and realized you are obviously troubled by something deep. i have never even met you and you call me names like fuckhead?? wtf is wrong with you?? lmao...you say"always the same fuckheads..."i just recently changed the settings on my account to get notifications to my e-mail and start posting here...i have 10 posts.lmfao.

Nobody called you specifically a fuckhead, I was directing that more at ogman and dr gruber who are gt shills beyond a reasonable doubt. But if you feel you fit the bill thats not my fault. lol

I don't do journals on this site anymore, and I sure as shit wouldn't do one on Doc's beans. You can check out old journals I posted here from a couple years back if you go to my info panel and click threads started by this user. As for being troubled by something deep, yes I am, the hole deep in my pocket that Dr. GT made. LOL

I'm actually not THAT bitter about it. I kinda half expected it seeing as I had the doc pegged for a scammer before I even ordered. But you get that crappy feeling when you realize you should have just listened to your gut instinct. So I wanted to post up my experience in this thread since it's here.
g13 is a hundred bucks a seed so how do u call the guy ignorant,well u apparantly get 3 seeds so its close.

Somebody that doesn't know what they are talking about is ignorant. He said Dr gt seeds are $100 a piece. That is a lie.
I did some research on Dr. Gt's seeds before I ordered. I hope to order more. That's it. I'm not friends with the guy, never met him or spoke with him. I do like truth. I like this website because of the literally endless supply of valuable information. I do not however, like exaggerations or lies.
For the sake of argument I went to his website and took five minutes and my iphone calculator. He has 29 strains from $100-$225.
One pack comes with 3, the other with 6, and all the rest 11. His average seed is 17.02 his most expensive seed is $66 and that is only one strain.
I called him ignorant because he is flat out lying.
Here I am, I am pretty new to growing and to this site, so when I see something that is obviously bullshit, I will say it. Like I said before, many people don't even give a fuck about the price anyway. The one factor everyone wants is QUALITY. I read this shit to learn. And I share to give back to others.
I can appreciate your post and helping your friend, but my experience with this shady guy has been horrible. I've spent $1200.00 on his gear. Gave half of the seeds to a friend. We both had the same horrible results. NOTHING germinated at all.

Funny. I asked doc about this and he sent me a copy of your emails. What you told him was that about 2 weeks after they came up they all turned yellow and died. You said none sprouted. Which is it?

You asked doc about it huh? LOL

How about admitting.... YOU are Doc YOU FUCKING TWAT!!!
How about admitting.... YOU are Doc YOU FUCKING TWAT!!!

hey banditt.. I think you are so right on this! And one thing.. dr NOgreenthumb won't admit it. How can a liar admit the truth?


I would have been better off buying a bag of commercial weed, take the seeds out and germ them, instead of giving dr NOgreenthumb a penny of my money
Any more language or name calling, and you know what, people get sent on vacation...... Please keep the moderation requirements of a thread to a bare minimum, I hate to work.... Thanks :) You ALL can absolutely 100% be polite and cordial in your comments, its always obvious who the trolls are, same patterns every....single....time.........
Nobody called you specifically a fuckhead, I was directing that more at ogman and dr gruber who are gt shills beyond a reasonable doubt. But if you feel you fit the bill thats not my fault. lol

I don't do journals on this site anymore, and I sure as shit wouldn't do one on Doc's beans. You can check out old journals I posted here from a couple years back if you go to my info panel and click threads started by this user. As for being troubled by something deep, yes I am, the hole deep in my pocket that Dr. GT made. LOL

I'm actually not THAT bitter about it. I kinda half expected it seeing as I had the doc pegged for a scammer before I even ordered. But you get that crappy feeling when you realize you should have just listened to your gut instinct. So I wanted to post up my experience in this thread since it's here.

Do you even know what a "Shill" is?
I have disclosed my relationship with Dr Greenthumb on this and many other sites. I am not employed by him nor am I related to him. I started out buying his beans and developed an email relationship where I now do test runs on his beans which he sends free for the price of a 4 month journal.If you worked for someone would you do it for $200 for 4 months work? .....just look at the pictures if you dont like my opinions and judge the plants from those.

I understand that to you, when you see a Greenthumb journal you have a preconcieved notion that it has to be spam, but try reading the journal before you go making stupid accusations.
Somebody that doesn't know what they are talking about is ignorant. He said Dr gt seeds are $100 a piece. That is a lie.
I did some research on Dr. Gt's seeds before I ordered. I hope to order more. That's it. I'm not friends with the guy, never met him or spoke with him. I do like truth. I like this website because of the literally endless supply of valuable information. I do not however, like exaggerations or lies.
For the sake of argument I went to his website and took five minutes and my iphone calculator. He has 29 strains from $100-$225.
One pack comes with 3, the other with 6, and all the rest 11. His average seed is 17.02 his most expensive seed is $66 and that is only one strain.
I called him ignorant because he is flat out lying.
Here I am, I am pretty new to growing and to this site, so when I see something that is obviously bullshit, I will say it. Like I said before, many people don't even give a fuck about the price anyway. The one factor everyone wants is QUALITY. I read this shit to learn. And I share to give back to others.

[TABLE="align: center"]
[TD="align: right"]G13 ♀ (Original Neville's Cut) - (Feminized) - (G13F)[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]: $200 usd ($200 cad) 2 seeds per packet[/TD]

I thought the most expensive was $66? Last i checked, 200 divided by 2 is 100.

His supposed cheese is enough for me not to have any intention of buying from him. Nothing from the photo to the description is accurate. So when i asked him when he was re-stocking he said oh, inn about a a month. That was almost a year ago. Still no seeds for me to grow alongside actual exodus cheese regardless of which which way the results go.
"For the sake of argument I went to his website and took five minutes and my iphone calculator."

His website states 2. I just consider that bad marketing myself. Basically unless you're in the know then it seems more expensive than it actually is. If he ships 3 seeds, then he should sell them as three seeds, then someone would see it as the better deal it is. Seems rather daft.
[TABLE="align: center"]
[TD="align: right"]G13 ♀ (Original Neville's Cut) - (Feminized) - (G13F)[/TD]
[TD="align: left"]: $200 usd ($200 cad) 2 seeds per packet[/TD]

I thought the most expensive was $66? Last i checked, 200 divided by 2 is 100.

His supposed cheese is enough for me not to have any intention of buying from him. Nothing from the photo to the description is accurate. So when i asked him when he was re-stocking he said oh, inn about a a month. That was almost a year ago. Still no seeds for me to grow alongside actual exodus cheese regardless of which which way the results go.

Dude, I explained it pretty clear. Come on.
no 10 pack of beans worth over 75 bucks...peace

...with you as the grower, apparently. You must finish that sentence. You don't even need to go anywhere. Right here on this site they show several beans that are WORTH over $7.50 a piece. So what you are saying is you are mad at good genetics in general. Dr. GT claims he spent $20,000 on G13, good thing you aren't his wife, you be pretty pissed, eh.
I disagree with you so much, that I probably wouldn't spend less than $7.50 on a bean. lol.
No you didn't, you said you looked at his website and that the most expensive seed was 66 bucks. Regardless of what the doc actually sends you the website clearly states $200 for 2 seeds, hence why i quoted it.
"For the sake of argument I went to his website and took five minutes and my iphone calculator."

His website states 2. I just consider that bad marketing myself. Basically unless you're in the know then it seems more expensive than it actually is. If he ships 3 seeds, then he should sell them as three seeds, then someone would see it as the better deal it is. Seems rather daft.

If you think getting free seeds with your order is bad, I probably can't say much to open your eyes. It's like the capital one credit card commercial with Jammy Fallon and you are the baby in the highchair that doesn't want free money. Buy some commercial shit, usually loaded with beans. It'll hook you right up.