New Grower: Is she doin ok? pics


Active Member
it looks pretty good. you givin her any food? what kind of soil and how long you been in that pot and what size is that pot?


New Member
Looks good but she needs a new home. Looks like a 4"pot and I'd say close too a month old now? She has a bit of burn as well, so the above questions are legit.
she's in mg organic it already has time released nutes in it so im not giving her any food for another few weeks, she on the 4th week. the pot is a lil bigger than a Chinese food container
ok she just got a watering so ill transplant in a few days. and i think the burns are nute burns i maybe wrong but thats my guess


Active Member
Its something to do with that for sure. I think repotting will help but ive never heard of much luck coming out of MG soil. Others will say exactly the oppisite but thats the nature of the beast. Do you have access to different soils? Roots Organic, Fox Farm anything like that. She looks a little bound up in that pot and I would try to find some alternatives for better nutes.
i've heard that too about MG but im watching closely and there hasn't been any major problems. I plan on switching soils once i start flowering


New Member
Not to disagree with anyone or start an MG debate lol! bUT, MG works fine as long as it is handled properly. The key is in watering. As we know the nutes are activated by watering so the more you water the more you feed. To me this is quite a simple way to do things. In soil, small issues can be noticed sooner and corrected quicker than any other medium. I water the girls in my new grow, that I did in MG with MG perlite. As they tell me, if I start seeing any yellowish tint or other indications of under feeding, I know it is time to add some water. I just give them enough to lightly moisten the root ball, and the next day or so they look better. I will admit that I normally use FF Happy Frog, but the MG was all that was available. This was one of them at 4 weeks...So MG will work for you, just be careful...Good Luck!



New Member
Actually I though it was time to update my new grow. Both done in MG potting soil and perlite. About 6 weeks old. I don't do a lot of journaling so I am not sure of the exact days.

Picture 033.jpg


New Member
Oh and btw if anyone wants too know how well plants veg under plain 4 ft 40w fluoro tubes. That is the only light they have had since germination. I have a small tent and it is occupied with my soon harvest.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, did you LST those? I'm a new grower and I was thinking about doing the same. How difficult was it and how early did you start the process?

Oh, nice plants btw.


Well-Known Member
DSC00811.jpgDSC00806.jpgDSC00805.jpgDSC00804.jpgDSC00773.jpgDSC00766.jpgi have to agree with guy her and this is my first grow and guy your plant looks good just get some mg bone and blood meal for p and n because a def is coming on your plant see how the leaves have a yellowish lime green tint yea but for critics heres an mg grown plant of mine currently on its 8th week of flower
Not to disagree with anyone or start an MG debate lol! bUT, MG works fine as long as it is handled properly. The key is in watering. As we know the nutes are activated by watering so the more you water the more you feed. To me this is quite a simple way to do things. In soil, small issues can be noticed sooner and corrected quicker than any other medium. I water the girls in my new grow, that I did in MG with MG perlite. As they tell me, if I start seeing any yellowish tint or other indications of under feeding, I know it is time to add some water. I just give them enough to lightly moisten the root ball, and the next day or so they look better. I will admit that I normally use FF Happy Frog, but the MG was all that was available. This was one of them at 4 weeks...So MG will work for you, just be careful...Good Luck!


New Member
Oh wow, did you LST those? I'm a new grower and I was thinking about doing the same. How difficult was it and how early did you start the process?

Oh, nice plants btw.
Thanks! LST is very easy. In the thread in my signature there is video on how to do it. The only thing I have done differently is to use bamboo sticks to hold them down rather then tying them. But that was just personal choice.


Well-Known Member
Not to disagree with anyone or start an MG debate lol! bUT, MG works fine as long as it is handled properly. The key is in watering. As we know the nutes are activated by watering so the more you water the more you feed. To me this is quite a simple way to do things. In soil, small issues can be noticed sooner and corrected quicker than any other medium. I water the girls in my new grow, that I did in MG with MG perlite. As they tell me, if I start seeing any yellowish tint or other indications of under feeding, I know it is time to add some water. I just give them enough to lightly moisten the root ball, and the next day or so they look better. I will admit that I normally use FF Happy Frog, but the MG was all that was available. This was one of them at 4 weeks...So MG will work for you, just be careful...Good Luck!
Does that work because some people say that if you don't use enough water at a watering that your roots won't grow properly...because the roots are getting enough water without having to reach down towards the wetter soil usually found at the bottom of the plant, so do small amounts of water more often cause you any issues?


i wouldent use MG id use happy fog and fox farm mixed with about half a bag of Bat guano its works the best like that and you dont need to use nutes in flowering if you do it that way with 3 gallon pots 1month in veg. 2 months in flowering.(if you use HPS in flowering).