white house ordered cali and montana crackdowns, where does that leave us?


Well-Known Member
is it a matter of time before us hawaii residents get the crackdown?

the government gave cali patients, growers and dispensaries 45 days to shut down as of October, montana got no warning. busts have been made in montana, wich i believe is entrapment.

this can be very dangerous for us as the narcotics division has all of our info and addresses.

im hoping we wont catch the shit, because things are a bit more uptight here than cali, we have no dispensaries, i believe out mmj poplation is under 10,000, we dont have outspoken marijuana festivals, and thing are just a bit more hush hsh here.

frankly, im mad. if the crackdowns come, many of us will have to change our lifestyles again, for many of us it means becoming dependent on fuckin oxycodone,
after alot of us successfully weened off it.

what do u locals think?
please post any hawaii mmj related news if it comes up.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The White House had nothing to do with it. The four California U.S. Attorneys involved stated this was their own doing.


Well-Known Member
I wonder why they bypassed Colorado? They have a well organized system there. Montana SUCKS!!!