How Does Obama Win 270 Electoral Votes?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yes, because medical care is a right now... When is she going to jail for that? Oh wait...

The point was the government is out of money.

All this free medical care people want has to be paid for by someone.
That's complete bullshit and you know it. A governor from another state tried to contact her after he went over AZ's budget and found areas that could have been cut and the money re-allocated for the transplant patients. IN THE MEANTIME, the bitch could have stopped the tax cuts for the rich and corporate tax loopholes in the state. Talk about fucking death panels.

People died because of her. What part of that do you not understand?


Well-Known Member
Yes, because medical care is a right now... When is she going to jail for that? Oh wait...

The point was the government is out of money.

All this free medical care people want has to be paid for by someone.
this is why the GOP is a dying party. complete callousness towards human life.

arizona has a budget of about $8.5 billion dollars. you saved about $5million (at best) by leaving people to die that otherwise would have lived.

congratulations, you killed several people to save one twentieth of one percent of your entire budget. AT BEST :clap:

do you also call yourself "pro-life"?


Well-Known Member
this is why the GOP is a dying party. complete callousness towards human life.

arizona has a budget of about $8.5 billion dollars. you saved about $5million (at best) by leaving people to die that otherwise would have lived.

congratulations, you killed several people to save one twentieth of one percent of your entire budget :clap:

do you also call yourself "pro-life"?
No, I am pro choice. I dont believe my opinions should extend to the inside of another person's body.

I also do not believe I should be responsible for that other person's medical expenses.


Well-Known Member
No, I am pro choice. I dont believe my opinions should extend to the inside of another person's body.
darn. would have been great to catch you trying to call yourself pro-life after that. darn.

I also do not believe I should be responsible for that other person's medical expenses.
then you should be all for the individual mandate. otherwise, people go get the care they need and let everyone else, you and me included, foot the bill for it.


Well-Known Member
No, I believe the whole medical system needs to be privatized. There needs to be competition, less 3rd party medical coverage, reduction of government fraud and waste, torte reform, etc. It will take decades but honestly I believe we are moving in the exact wrong direction.

And just like education we eventually pick up part of the bill anyway.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You really need to find other sources of information than Fox News. It has warped your cognitive processes.


Well-Known Member
No, I believe the whole medical system needs to be privatized. There needs to be competition, less 3rd party medical coverage, reduction of government fraud and waste, torte reform, etc. It will take decades but honestly I believe we are moving in the exact wrong direction.

And just like education we eventually pick up part of the bill anyway.
do you think doctors will suddenly stop treating sick people who can't afford it if everything is private? no. you'll STILL be footing the bill for those who can't afford it.

by the way, your "solution" sounds quite a bit like the non-solutions the GOP mouth-vomited during the health care debate. TORT reform and cross state lines! that'll fix it all!


Well-Known Member
do you think doctors will suddenly stop treating sick people who can't afford it if everything is private? no. you'll STILL be footing the bill for those who can't afford it.

by the way, your "solution" sounds quite a bit like the non-solutions the GOP mouth-vomited during the health care debate. TORT reform and cross state lines! that'll fix it all!
Alot of those ideas would be good to try at 0 cost to the taxpayer. It wouldnt fix the entire system but it might help.

You can buy car insurance nationally but you cannot buy health insurance nationally. Why not?


Well-Known Member
I dont think I have even mentioned clinton in this thread. Are you stalking me?
you got him there.

he usually likes to play that card first.

as far as tort reform and crossing state lines goes, i would actually be in favor of both now. before pre-existing conditions were covered, i was against crossing state lines as it would simply allow insurers to cherrypick the healthiest at the expense of people like my wife.